Using BLM responsibly

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Around the Boise area:

Contact info Using BLM land responsibly


If you have information about the vandalism at Bonneville Point — or anywhere else on Bureau of Land Management land — call 384-3350 or 850-7140 to report it. You can remain anonymous. You could be eligible for a $1,000 reward if your information leads to the arrest and conviction of the vandals.
If you´re heading out on public land this spring, here are some tips to keep in mind:

• Pack out your trash.

• Pack targets in and out when you go shooting; make sure you know where all your rounds go.

• Stay on designated roads and trails. Going off-road or off-trail can damage vegetation.
Sounds like a good plan to me....
Sounds like common sense! I've been amazed at some of the stuff I've seen left when out working. I almost always return home or to the office with more than I left. I'd like to challenge everyone to do the same. If we'd all pick up just a portion of the trash we see left by others, it'd be little work for a lot of gain. Just make sure the trash isn't older than 40yrs (I think that's the #) as it is then classified as an archeologic site!
I usually end up with a whole pick up load of trash by the end of hunting season. Even in some of the more remote areas that I frequent!!!
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