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USFWS to delist in Lower 48

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, let the screaming, yelling, and nashing of teeth commence. This morning, the USFWS announced they are going foward with their plan to lift protections on gray wolves in the entire lower 48. In other words, delist them.

That is great news and something that should be celebrated. Yet, we all know that this represents a financial disaster for the serial litigators, if it holds up. They will make their last desparate attempts, employing all forms of legal abuse to keep their annuity stream alive. Should be interesting to watch the paid guns of these profit-driven litigators try to match science with the best wolf biologists in the world who are currently employed or contracted by the USFWS.

Nothing could be better for those of us who support the idea of management of all species, not just one or two species at the expense of others. It is great news. The USFWS needs to be commended for this decision and supported when the attacks come, with the opposition already loading their artillery this morning upon hearing the news.

Nothing could be worse for the "conservation by cash flow" crowd like the Center for Biological Diversity. Heaven forbid we have a success in restoring a species to the extent practical and they no longer can raise millions for their large staff of attorneys they employee.

Funny part was, CBD and the likes used to think Dr. Mech was the messiah when he was providing science about how wolves could live on the landscape, in limited numbers. Now that he advocates state control that includes hunting/trapping and he promotes a realistic view that much of the historical wolf range is not a practical place for wolves to exist, Dr. Mech is on the wingnut and screwball target list as someone promoting junk science. Gonna be pretty difficult for their paid guns who promote themselves as scientists to compete with the body of work and research Dr. Mech has accumulate over his career.

If I was allowed to drink, I would be down at the pub this afternoon, toasting this good news. Since I can't drink, I might be down at the pub hoisting a root beer and buying rounds for those who can imbibe.

Link provided -

I bet anyone that before noon Mountain time, SFW and Big Game Forever send out a release taking credit for today's news.
Great news. Appreciate all the hard work and effort you provided. Sadly, we know who will be thumping their chest and slapping his wide-eyed cronies on the back as they mass mail out a fund raising letter to the "sheeple" around SLC. Stalin could never bend the truth like them fellers, imho.
Speaking of wolves and beer, now that BigHornRam is back to posting some, aren't there some bets that need to be settled? ;) :D
Toby Bridges is even using Dr. Mech to support his "agenda of lies" mantra. Kind of funny that he could be the gold standard reference for CBD and Lobowatch both.
The comments on USFWS's facebook are a circus, not that that's a surprise.
Coming out of the woodwork now- those are Canadian wolves u know!

Friday, June 7, 2013 Big Game Forever
Breaking News-National Wolf Delisting Rule Announced

Today, nationwide delisting of Canadian Wolves was announced by US Fish and Wildlife Service. See USFWS website This proposed plan provides state wildlife agencies with the management flexibility needed to protect deer, moose and elk populations.

“We applaud the decision by US Fish and Wildlife Service to restore management authority over Canadian wolves in the lower 48 states. State wildlife agencies do a great job managing cougar, black bear and other large predators. With the management flexibility provided under state management, they can effectively manage and protect wolves and other wildlife populations.” Ryan Benson, President of Big Game Forever.

In a press release from US Fish and Wildlife Service about today’s proposed delisting, Service Director Dan Ashe indicates, “An exhaustive review of the latest scientific and taxonomic information shows that we have accomplished that goal with the gray wolf, allowing us to focus our work under the ESA on recovery of the Mexican wolf subspecies in the Southwest.” The full proposed rule can be viewed at: The new draft delisting begins a federal rule making process that is expected to take between several months and up to a year to complete.

The proposed rule comes just weeks after 72 members of Congress sent a letter to US Fish and Wildlife Service director Dan Ashe in support of expanded wolf-delisting. The bipartisan and bicameral "Dear Colleague" letter was led by US Senators Orrin Hatch, Heidi Heitkamkp and John Barrasso in the US Senate and Representatives Cynthia Lummis, Jim Matheson, Steve Stivers and Doc Hastings in the US House of Representatives. In the letter, the Members of Congress write that “[w]olves are not an endangered species and do not merit federal protections. The full delisting of the species and the return of the management of wolf populations to State governments is long overdue. State governments are fully qualified to responsibly manage wolf populations and are able to meet both the needs of local communities and wildlife populations.” They add that State wildlife managers “need to be able to respond to the needs of their native wildlife without being burdened by the impediments of the federal bureaucracy created by the ESA.”

“Conservation-minded sportsmen are passionate about protecting 100 years of sportsmen driven conservation efforts. Sportsmen have become the voice for moose, elk and deer that are beginning to disappear from America’s landscapes. We will continue to be active in the public comment process to ensure that the protection and recovery of wild game herds remains the focus on these efforts.” Don Peay founder of Big Game Forever.

Big Game Forever remains committed to its efforts to protect abundant wildlife and to ensure states have full authority to manage and protect their wildlife. We encourage conservation-minded sportsmen and livestock producers to add their voice to these important issues by signing the online petition at

For Questions Contact:

Ryan Benson [email protected]

Shaun Mathewson [email protected]
Don Peay should use the $300K Utah gave him to buy a round and then give the rest to RMEF. The organization that has been on point for years.
washington state still wont pull its head out of its ass and delist tho.
I just read the comments on the big FB and I must say "Wow"! Why is it that when an agency makes a decision like this people jump to the conclusion that they are getting paid off? That is the first thing that they claim and when actual science is done and when the conclusion of their results allows a decision like this to be made people get all p***** off and then the actual science magically turns to BS. I believe that the wolf has a very important roll in the ecology of the U.S. but like all animals they have to be managed to the best of our ability in a truthful and scientific way. I 100% support the USFWS and that is no BS.
I just read the comments on the big FB and I must say "Wow"! Why is it that when an agency makes a decision like this people jump to the conclusion that they are getting paid off? That is the first thing that they claim and when actual science is done and when the conclusion of their results allows a decision like this to be made people get all p***** off and then the actual science magically turns to BS. I believe that the wolf has a very important roll in the ecology of the U.S. but like all animals they have to be managed to the best of our ability in a truthful and scientific way. I 100% support the USFWS and that is no BS.

Dontcha know it's the 'merican way? Whenever the science supports your stance, well then it's good science. If it contradicts your stance then it's bull$hit and lies.

Confirmation bias runs rampant in hot button topics like wolves.
My favorite part about the USFWS facebook page are all the questions of "what scientific study"....well, um wolves are probably one of, if not the most scientifically studies species in the wild right now.

Ding dongs act if this was a decision made on a whim.
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