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New member
May 20, 2001
All right I'm sure most of you have been talking to my parents about my military carrer and how its going with training and what not. Here's an update for ya'll:D :D
Graduated Basic training 19 May 2005 with Delta Company 1-48, my third company. As most of you know I entered the ARmy on 15 Nov. 2005 and was assisgned to Echo 1-40, with an unforseen injury to my shoulder I was unable to qualify with my M16A2 rifle nor was I able to do push-ups correctly for a PT test. I was then assisgned to Charlie 1-48 to pick up where I left off...BRM (Bacis Rifle Marksmenship). I qualified with my M16A2 rifle, did 27 push-ups on a final PT test, but once again was unable to graduate because of missing gear...which the company knew about. I was then once again reassigned to Delta 1-48 where I graduated. All together I was in basic training for 6 months and 4 days.
Now I'm at Ft. sam Houston, Texas waiting for my class to start on the 26th of this month. My class is only 5 weeks and 2 days long but ya'll know me I like to extend my training...LOL:p ;) LOL:p ;) LOL:p ;) Really though I will be at a new post by mid Augest.
Thank you for all the support here. Ya'll are like family to me.:D :D
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Hey Erin,,I think I forgot to tell ya that you don't get any extra credit for staying longer than anyone:eek: But ya know:rolleyes: if AIT is anything like Basic was,,hell you'll be retired by the time you get to you next duty stationhump :D :D :D

Take care and train hard sis..

Great Job finishing Basic. Thats along time to be in basic training. Thanks and congrats on sticking it out. Good Luck!!!!
Way to go Erin for finishing the first part of the journey of what you've started, I for one am very proud of you, keep it up, were here rooting for you...

The best part of graduating basic training is that the Lt. col of the 1-48 battalion is that the day I left he told me and my parents that I lived up to and demostrastrated the Warrior Ethos better than any other PVT that has gone through the same things as I did.

Warrior Ethos
I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

I will never leave a fallen commrade.

It meant so much to me to hear him say that. He gave me the motivation to drive on and to stay motivated. Lt. Col Lipinski really pumped me up for AIT and the rest of my military carrer.
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