Uncle Ted on Fair Chase

The one topic very relevant to this issue is the disease issue. There is not ambiguity or subjectiveness to that issue. It is a function of science. The strongest case against these type of facilities is the diseases issue, and the weakest case to try and defend.


There are people who refuse to get their kids vaccinated based on the "science" of Jenny McCarthy.
I also have no issue with hunters who want to hunt high fences, use corn flingers, etc as long as it is legal. The trouble I have with Ted, is that it doesn't seem like he is at all interested in taking a look in the mirror to see if the image he is portraying, is good for the image of hunting in general. Why is it that those at the farthest ends of the spectrum demand the most support and that everyone accomidate them. I agree with him in that I don't believe infighting in the hunting community is good for any of us, but I do believe if Ted truely wanted to represent hunters in the best light possible, he would understand that you don't always need to be pushing the bounds of the acceptable norm.
You've been around long enough to know, this post needed a photo...................Come on man!

Here you go.....

Fighting within the hunting community is completely natural. My wife & I love each other, but every now and again we have some words of wisdom to share with each other. 99% of the time, we feel better after words. 1% of the time we just let the subject die.
Fighting within the hunting community is completely natural. My wife & I love each other, but every now and again we have some words of wisdom to share with each other. 99% of the time, we feel better after words. 1% of the time we just let the subject die.

Yeah, but the make-up sex within the hunting community is a real turn-off....
I am anti high fence but I guess I am a hypocrite also because I go to a pheasant farm and shoot planted birds. Notice I said shoot and not hunt. I would never call a pheasant farm a hunt.

But it does have benefits-

I live in western Montana so wild pheasant hunting is very limited. I don’t have to drive many miles to hunt. I can go buy birds and have them planted and get in some great training for my dog. The season lasts longer so I get out more. Not all birds are killed some get away but the mortality is very high from birds of prey so I doubt any actually help boast the wild population. It is not like hunting wild birds, but it beats sitting on the couch.
The glamour boy on the current P&Y magazine cover can also likely out rock the Nuge on the guitar.. He's just jealous.
Unlikely the Nuge will arrow a real wild elk at 2 yards either. Petting zoos are more his style. I would like to drink a PBR with him and watch him jam out, however.
Unlikely the Nuge will arrow a real wild elk at 2 yards either. Petting zoos are more his style. I would like to drink a PBR with him and watch him jam out, however.

That is pretty sweet for the Dude. I saw the Nuge in concert last year, IMO he outplayed Styx and REO who he opened for.

I have been known to crack a PBR or two, but only when I am west of the Missouri River.
One of the best pieces out there on the disease risk of these operations and the hypocrisy of claiming property rights and economic enterprise, yet asking to hide behind the honorable image of fair chase hunting.

Everyone should read it.


Congrats to the Indianapolis Star for doing such a fine job.

It was a really good read. This is fairly common in parts of MN as well. I just don't understand the mindset.
Uncle Ted is Uncle Ted. I fully believe he is a champion of 2nd Amendment Rights.

That said, I don't believe in commercial game operations involved in growing "mega" bucks & bulls & stags, high fence shooting and such, anymore than I believe in standing on a ridge, BSing out loud, while a shooter with a gun dials on a bull elk at 1100yds.

I also don't think you can criticize Nugents take on CWD.

The truth about CWD is we don't know the truth. It may well have come from the wild into game farms. There is not a game biologist out there that can tell any of us with any reasonable certainty, fact or otherwise, where, why, or how it started. When it comes to this disease,"circumstancial evidence" is no different than hearsay.
On the surface, I don't agree with the animal disease opinion of Ted, but the hatred for Ted from the Democrats on this board baffles me.

Why do you Democrats hate him?

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