Caribou Gear

Ultimate Marriage Test

you think it is hard on you ;)

sorry couldn't resist,

no no! this is a thread of success. how we overcame the tests of marriage where the implication is that 90% of the time the husband was the ass and didn't get his boys handed to him on a platter.

oh, but don't we all know, if there was a r/HusbandsofHuntTalk that's where the real juice would be ;)
thank you for the clarification. Do you have son between the ages of 25 and 30 that likes the activities I mentioned ;)

If one of you can find the song, Remember, I'm still a guy, sang by Brad Paisley, you should add it to this thread, :)
Sh** our wives do

Ultimate marriage test

"If" the saying "like father, like son" is true, Hunt Talk may not be my best place to look for a husband ;)

Unless, any of you have sons that likes, Rodeos, Ranching, Hunting and music that s not 50 years old :)
Wait ... you're looking for a husband who can ride and shoe horses? Okaaaay then ... anyone know where I can buy a box of cheap chocolates that don't have a mildew aftertaste? And I'm not fifty years old either. That's been in the rearview mirror for a while now ... like back over the horizon.

Shooting trap on Wednesday I was helping a gorgeous young college gal load the machine. When we finished she said with a smile, "Now I can tell my dad I spent the afternoon in a dark room with a dirty old man." Guess I should have showered ... this week.
The “proper” way to load the dishwasher.
I feel this. I tried explaining that when the bottom is filled with upside down bowls, no water can get to the top rack and that’s why the cups up top never get cleaned. I totally won this one too. It’s been two years since she loaded the dishwasher. Cups are clean now.
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thank you for the clarification. Do you have son between the ages of 25 and 30 that likes the activities I mentioned ;)

i'm only 30 myself, therefore i truly don't have the slightest comprehension, yet, as to what a "test of marriage" really is.

though the two times the subaru was parked in neutral with a less than half assed pull on the e-brake might qualify ;)
Teaching teenage daughters how to drive with both parents in the car.
O.K., you win on this one ! And, to take it a step further I ask my father, NOT my mother to teach me and take me to the DMV
though the two times the subaru was parked in neutral with a less than half assed pull on the e-brake might qualify ;)
I dont understand your point--the motor was off, right ??;)
Two years after the vasectomy she's pregnant. Didn't happen to us, but my wife's sister and her husband. Apparently, they can fail.
Which is why they tell you, very clearly, that you have to have to fail two (2) fertility tests before they clear you to... uh..... operate independently..

And, you aren't even supposed to take the first test until something like 12.... uh..... bore cleaning shots.

It is in your best interest to follow the directions to a T.

Obviously 2 years should have been enough time. This is a PSA for others lol.
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How about, have to be out of town for a clinic. First night away chocolate lab gets into a tissy with a skunk and loses.
Later wife sets a trap for said skunk and asks where to put it. I said anywhere but in the barn as we have to be able to shoot it. Find out she trapped said skunk… right inside the barn.

However would not trade her for any woman in the world!!!
How about this one - husband and I had the car packed and loaded up for the first day of elk season (which when we were rifle hunting used to fall on or near my birthday every year). We pull up to drop the dog off for a week at a friends and they have a giant banner printed out and friends over for a surprise birthdy party. Instead of going elk hunting, husband thought I'd want to spend the first night of elk season at a surprise party for me with all of our friends.

I burst into tears and told him this was a terrible idea and that I just wanted to go elk hunting - how could we miss opening day!? He then called everyone that hadn't yet shown up to tell them we were cancelling the party.

We didn't speak the entire 6-hour drive to the campsite and we had dinner along the way at Subway which to this day when we pass it we still refer to as 'the saddest subway in Colorado'.