UA Drops Bowmar

I'm gonna start a show where it's me posing for butt selfies while drinking a beer & smoking a camel. There will beregular features about my pocket constitution, what it means to be a soveriegn citizen and spotlighting desert critters. It'll be called Y'all Qaeda Outdoors. I expect a lot of sweet sponsorships from Kings Camo & the state of Utah and several snack companies.
Unless you are a shareholder, UA owes you nothing. They are publicly a traded company with $3B in revenue, if you make up a story about being robbed in Brazil, beat dogs, lose your 7 bike riding titles because of doping, put a stupid video on the internet or anything else that could negatively impact shareholders expect to be dropped like it's hot.

I can't imagine how many "pro-business" folks out there are getting all touchy feely butt hurt over this very pro-business decision. Fricken bleeding heart hunters.

That ^^^

When you sign a contract to be a brand ambassador, you agree to a lot of things. The brand has the power and discretion to do what they deem best for the brand, not what is best for the ambassador. Termination rights are held by the brand, for any reason they deem necessary, not just legal violations.

I've not seen the video or read the UA reply. When dealing with companies (and their ad agencies) who have greater business interests outside hunting, you better realize that even though the money is better, you have ad agencies watching your brand representation and those agency employees have no perspective on hunting.

If someone can't accept the terms of the deal, don't sign the contract.

I just renewed our three biggest sponsors through 2018. I read every word of those contacts many times. I had my attorney review them. Before signing, I contemplated how my political/conservation advocacy puts me on really thin ice at times. I've informed them of my activities around public lands, conservation, etc. They all support it. Yet, if I post a YouTube video, make a FB or IG post, or do something on Hunt Talk that tarnishes their brand, they have the right to dump me, without any restrictions.

Industry folks know how these contracts work, as a couple times each year some industry guy is pissed at something I've done/said/written, so he contacts a sponsor to claim my advocacy is detrimental to their brand. That is why I am so grateful when many here email positive comments to our sponsors. I get those far more than criticism, so the companies and their ad agencies weigh it all together. Thanks to those who do such.

All that said, if I did the wrong thing that upset the company or the ad agency, I might get a pink slip without any warning. If I don't like it, or I can't manage that risk, I need to find a different way to fund these platforms. Like most straightforward business contracts, the final power is given to the party who signs the front of the check, not the guy signing the back of the check.
If I were UA I'd cut ties with the d-bags b/c they showed poor judgment and are completely replaceable. Send a message to the rest of their "athletes" to toe the line or take a hike. Just end the convo and move on to selling gear. So much easier.

The sad part is that people like the Blowmars focus on themselves like they're special and not the animals, the hunting experience, conservation, etc. Anyone taking that many ass selfies and look at my muscle shots has a narcism issue fed by cell phones, the internet and adoring followers that make them think they're something better than the rest of us b/c they workout religiously and blow protein farts on each other.

There are a few in outdoor TV that get it and focus on the things that make the outdoor experience great. Teddy Brosevelt here with his spear isn't one of them. Maybe they'll learn a lesson, but I doubt it as long as they keep getting more people following their selfies.

Amen...Well said
It's just like any other job. You can be terminated at any time if you mis-represent the company you work for. Many, many years ago, back in Wisconsin one of the store managers of a company I worked for was against Indians spearing fish in the northern Wisconsin Lakes. He went to a protest at one of the boat landings. Unfortunately, this person got his picture in the paper standing next to the company van with the company name on it. Needless to say, he was fired the day after the paper came out. If you are posting things on You Tube, Facebook, Instagram or others you have to be very careful what you post. I tis common knowledge that companies will check these for your account and see what you are doing or representing
That ^^^

When you sign a contract to be a brand ambassador, you agree to a lot of things. The brand has the power and discretion to do what they deem best for the brand, not what is best for the ambassador. Termination rights are held by the brand, for any reason they deem necessary, not just legal violations.

I've not seen the video or read the UA reply. When dealing with companies (and their ad agencies) who have greater business interests outside hunting, you better realize that even though the money is better, you have ad agencies watching your brand representation and those agency employees have no perspective on hunting.

If someone can't accept the terms of the deal, don't sign the contract.

I just renewed our three biggest sponsors through 2018. I read every word of those contacts many times. I had my attorney review them. Before signing, I contemplated how my political/conservation advocacy puts me on really thin ice at times. I've informed them of my activities around public lands, conservation, etc. They all support it. Yet, if I post a YouTube video, make a FB or IG post, or do something on Hunt Talk that tarnishes their brand, they have the right to dump me, without any restrictions.

Industry folks know how these contracts work, as a couple times each year some industry guy is pissed at something I've done/said/written, so he contacts a sponsor to claim my advocacy is detrimental to their brand. That is why I am so grateful when many here email positive comments to our sponsors. I get those far more than criticism, so the companies and their ad agencies weigh it all together. Thanks to those who do such.

All that said, if I did the wrong thing that upset the company or the ad agency, I might get a pink slip without any warning. If I don't like it, or I can't manage that risk, I need to find a different way to fund these platforms. Like most straightforward business contracts, the final power is given to the party who signs the front of the check, not the guy signing the back of the check.

Spot on Randy. To my knowledge there was no monetary agreement in place, simply a product agreement making the split that much easier.

I don't care for his reaction but it is what it is. They are nice people who actually spent a few days before this broke volunteering at a boys academy for troubled young men while they visited SLC. We showed the boys how to shoot traditional archery, grilled some elk burgers and just had some fun with a group of 12 young people who really could use some support in their lives.

Despite the muscles and selfies they made a positive impact on these boys.
I have no idea who these folks are, but from the pictures above, it appears that she is trying to be the female version of Cam Hanes.
I'm gonna start a show where it's me posing for butt selfies while drinking a beer & smoking a camel. There will beregular features about my pocket constitution, what it means to be a soveriegn citizen and spotlighting desert critters. It'll be called Y'all Qaeda Outdoors. I expect a lot of sweet sponsorships from Kings Camo & the state of Utah and several snack companies.


I have not watched the video nor do I intend to. All of this press will make them bigger "stars" than they were before this (I had never heard of them before)

I will say, I know some awfully good bowfishing spots... maybe she... I mean... they could come with and we could talk about it

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