Two Bears Found Near Colorado Woman's Body


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Geez, what a tragic story. I don't carry a sidearm or bear spray in Colorado, but have been thinking about it more and more lately.
Geez, what a tragic story. I don't carry a sidearm or bear spray in Colorado, but have been thinking about it more and more lately.
These type of cases are extremely rare. But regardless, I recommend wearing a sidearm and carrying bear spray in bear country on top of being bear smart as park and wildlife officials talk about.
Man, that'd be a horrific way to go. Watching a bear eat an elk calf alive is hard, can't even imagine.
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You'll have to explain that one.
You have explained your personal rules against shoulder shots, having help packing out meat, shooting calf elk, etc. I’m just wondering where believing that the only good bear is a dead bear fits in with that.
Oh, I see. Well, bears do something that makes me give them less respect. They eat newborn fawns and calves. So, I have little compassion for them.

That doesn't change any of my rules on how I hunt them. I give them a fair chance.
That's right. Like hunt for bears. One predator after another predator. I use fair chase against bears like I do for all game.

Do I need to like them too? Not going to happen. I feel the same way about bears that I do for coyotes.
That's right. Like hunt for bears. One predator after another predator. I use fair chase against bears like I do for all game.

Do I need to like them too? Not going to happen. I feel the same way about bears that I do for coyotes.
Just curious if you eat any meat from a store or restaraunt ever?
I don't get your curiosity? Would you explain?

For the record. I hunt for bear for the same reason I hunt all big game. The challenge, meat, and conservation. I don't like bears but I wouldn't kill one to just kill it. That's not me.
They just said on the news the woman was killed by a bite to the neck from the bear. So, we can blame the bear now.
long time listener first time caller...

The real question is eating bear that recently ate people still cannibalism or does it not count since you are only eating the muscle tissue of the bear?

Asking for a friend?

Just kidding, but it is an interesting dilemma when it comes to predator hunting.
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