Caribou Gear Tarp

TSA and things that shouldn't be in your carry on

I found out the hard way. That if you have a orange in your carry on you lose your NEXUS card for life...... Thanks TSA in Reagan International
I was on my way to a moose hunt in BC and going through security in LAX. I was 100% positive I had removed all knives from my day pack, which I was using as my carry on. I had checked at least 5 times because I was paranoid about missing something.

Well there was I standing at the security checkpoint and for some reason I had a direct line of sight to the x ray screens. I remember being so relaxed until I saw my bag come up and clear as day there was my 6” blade with a gut hook on the screen. Talk about a a pucker factor. I started thinking about what I would say and was freaking out and then the agent didn’t flag my bag…not sure how she didn’t recognize the outline of a huge knife.

So I grab my bag and then my mind starts racing trying to figure out what to do. I ended up dumping it in a trash can to be safe. I still can’t believe it made it through the screener.
I was in Germany and they had just implemented the "no liquids" rule. I was stopped by a big German woman at security because I had an unopened jar of Nutella.

I tried to argue that since it was measured in grams and not milliliters that it was not a liquid, but she confiscated it.

I suspect she was going to confiscate a spoon and bread next. ;)
On a trip back to the states from Haiti, my brother-in-law's sister asked me to take him some mamba pike (spicy peanut butter), and casav (a flat bread made from coconut and casava root.) So I stuffed the 1/2 gallon of peanut butter, and a grocery sack of flat bread in my carry-on and away we went. Got to Florida, through customs, and was on my way back through TSA when I started getting looks from the TSA agent on the x-ray. He motioned for a supervisor, who looked at me and said "what's in the bucket?" I said "it's called Mamba Pike, it's a spicy peanut butter." She then asked me in Kreyol "what's in the bag?" Which I responded to, in Kreyol "casav of course, how else are you going to eat mamba pike?"

She complimented me on my Kreyol, and sent me on my way.
I'm surprised they let you bring it in. They always confiscate my snacks from overseas in customs.
Once I got dropped off at the airport and realized I still had my pocket knife as I hit TSA...line was short and I had time so I backed out and stashed it in a potted plant and picked it back up on my return.

Another time in Denver on a return trip I'm in line at TSA and realize I'd forgotten to put my pocket knife back into my checked bag...still in my pocket. So I eyeball a likely-looking guy coming out of arrivals and hand it to him. Knowingly he says, "thanks buddy, safe flight" and keeps strolling...

(How's them ellipses?)
I accidentally tried to carry on a knife last year.
TSA said I could give it to someone or throw it away. I tried to give it to him and he wouldn’t accept it.
i tried to give it to police officer and he said I could give it to someone or throw it away but he couldn’t take it. I asked a few more people. Same answer.
i finally said, you all keep saying that and I’m trying to give it to you and you won’t take it. Ended up throwing it away.
Less than 2 weeks after 9/11, I had a business trip from home (LV) to San Jose, CA. I forgot I had a 3" Buck knife in my shaving kit and LV took it. I can understand that. Coming back however, San Jose security pulled out my tiny nail clippers and told me to either break off the file (you know, the ones with the toe jam hook), or they would confiscate it as a potential weapon and not let me board. That "weapon" was 3/4" long.
I was blackpowder hunting in MS once. Weather was horrible so we decoded to catch an earlier flight out of Memphis and head home. Somehow in my hast I left a tube and three pellets of Triple Seven in my backpack. I did meet the director of security for the airport but he was pretty cool about it. I received a nasty letter and a $100 fine.

I am TSA approved today so the incident must have been forgotten.
I bought a 94 Win from my manager some years ago and on our usual Monday morning meet/debrief he hands me a live round for the rifle which he had found at home. I pocketed the round and upon leaving, my first stop was at a nearby nuclear power plant. My business required I go through security and deep into the bowels of the plant so as I went through the access portal and got my patdown I emptied my pockets into a basket completely forgetting about the cartridge. Security went into a tizzy but they were so accustomed to seeing me go through that a quick word with the security supervisor got me off the hook. I was too embarrassed to go by the security office to claim my cartridge when through so they got to keep it.
Buying jewelry while in Canada made from Walrus or Narwhal can create a problem for you when crossing back into the U.S. Wearing grandmothers necklace or bracelet made from ivory can create a problem for you when leaving or entering the U.S.. I have not personally experienced this, but have friends that have had their jewelry confiscated at the airport .

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