PEAX Equipment

TSA and things that shouldn't be in your carry on


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
While at a Celebration of life for a neighbor, one of his in laws and I traded stories about when we each had TSA find some Riffle ammunition in our bag. I figured that had to have happened to some other members here. I got questioned but let go to my plane while the person I talked to got put on a no fly list for 2 years...
During the fog of packing to go home for my brothers funeral, I failed to check a backpack thoroughly that I had taken to the range a few weeks prior.

TSA was kind enough to find the fully loaded pistol mag for me that was buried in a deep corner of that thing. No mention of a no-fly list for me.
Dropped my brother off at airport close to his flights departure time. He was in a hurry, had jambed all of his stuff in a duffle and got the look from tsa.
Turns out there was a live 556 in the duffle.
He did not help his cause when they asked to search the bag he said careful it is going to explode everywhere.
Not sure how he made the flight.

My own was an Allen wrench in a pocket that I thought the response was a little excessive. What did they think; that I was going to disrepair the airplane?
I literally had my checked bag on the scale to go off to the plane when I realized at the last second I had my Benchmade auto opener in my carry on!!! Thankfully I got it put in the checked bag and was ok. I would have sucked not only because the knife is expensive but it went with me everywhere on deployments. Definitely a close one.
My dad had a pocketful of shells in his jacket when coming back from a pheasant trip. Not sure how he talked his way out of that one and made the flight.

Another story - I was on a plane once going on a hunting trip and I was talking to the older gentleman next to me about my trip and he leans into me to whisper that he once had a mixup where his wife accidentally slipped a handgun into his checked bag before she dropped him off at the airport. He was sitting on the plane at the gate when she calls in a panic having realized her mistake. He thought for sure they were going to drag him off the plane any second but he made it to his final destination, undeclared/unlocked gun and all....
A forgotten, small pocket knife in my shaving kit that was in my backpack was found one time. A live .270 Win round that I had missed when I cleaned out the pack for travel, inside a backpack/carry on, was not located until I got home.
Some years ago after flying to a work related conference, I decided to clean up before dinner. When I opened my toiletry bag, a fixed blade hunting knife was staring back at me. I had only packed a carry on bag for the trip. How they missed it, who knows.

I had a friend who was also at the same conference, put it in his checked luggage for the return trip.
Employee I used to have brought a loaded 1911 from somewhere in Oregon to Bozeman in his carry on. I picked him up from the airport and he was like I’m so glad I got to go home I brought back my grandpas gun that he left me. Proceeds to pull it out of his bag and I’m like wait! Wtf? First thing I did was check it and sure enough gramps had left it loaded when he died. Nice guy, not a lot of common sense, said he didn’t even know that was a thing. Lol. No idea how he got thru.
I tried making it through security with three brand new pistol mags in my carry on. The cops were super cool about it but I did end up getting a letter from the TSA.

On a funnier note, I had a really hard time making it through the metal detector one time. Walked through it 3 or 4 times and assured the good looking TSA lady that I didn’t have anything left in my pockets. I pat my pockets one more time and finally find the culprit in the bottom pocket of my cargo shorts. The foil wrapper on a rubber will not make it through the metal detector apparently.…
I was going through the metal detector and I was a little paranoid because it was my first time checking a firearm. Multiple trips through metal detector as it kept going off and I was sure I had forgotten something on my body but emptied all my pockets and was about ready to strip because the agent was getting really pissy. Finally I ripped off my Fitbit Watch and walked through. It was a piece of tape that I had used because the keeper strap from the band had broken the night before and I didn't have a replacement. Gave her the tape and she checked... we were really surprised it went off.
Got on a plane from Helena with my field pack. It had a colt 45 cartridge in the bottom of it. I spent a week out of Boise in the field but when I tryed to get back on the plane in Boise you would have thought I shot Jesus. A little over the top.
Was sitting with my buddy in the airport in Burlington inside security, my buddy had a backpack with an internal metal frame as his carry on. He was rummaging around looking for a phone charger and realized that his hatchet and Rambo knife were in his pack.

Same buddy got a jetboil canister to Adak in his checked bag, he didn’t realize that was a no no.

Meanwhile on ^ that flight I got pulled aside and had my carry on torn apart because I had a bag of M&Ms in it.
Glad Im not the only one who uses his pack for hunting and carry on.
Edmonton airport, returning home from a hunting trip in Alberta. Canadian Security runs my pack through the xray once then stops and backs it up and stops. Runs it forward and stops. Xray operator starts pushing some buttons and flippin switches and stuff. Im not worried, I dumped that pack out last night on the bed at the airport hotel and put all the hunting stuff in the checked bag.
Security screener calls for supervisors I hear her say,”something with a point showing up on the image”. Still not worried, “there’s nothing in there sharp but an ink pen if that”. Helga comes over donning her new pair of industrial rubber gloves and lookin at me like she fidna do a prostate exam!
She looks at the image on the screen then glares at me, Im like “what?”
trying to appear nonchalant as other security people gathered around.
Helga runs a big ole gloved hand down in that pack, not in the main compartment, but in that one in the back where the hydration bladder goes. Mine has elastic on the top 🙄
I can tell you this, NOBODY in that airport, including my buddies who were off to the side gawking, was more surprised than me when she pulled that Knives of Alaska Whitetail Hunter 8 inch hunting knife out of that pocket in that pack.
I really liked that knife.
I fly every week and have seen a lot of things. My favorite was when I flew home from a hunting trip and I had a empty brass casing from my rifle. The TSA lady freaked and called for the airport police. Happened to be a sheriff. When he showed up she showed him the spent round and he of course said "what's the problem, there is no bullet". Her reply....... It smells like gunpowder. His reply "yes"

Your free to go.......................
Those little chemical scanners are legit.

It tested positive and I had to explain in two separate interviews that I was reloading rifle ammo the night prior in the same pair of pants.

I enjoyed two very complete body searches.

The first by a large, heavy-breathing woman with soft hands that obviously hadn't touched a man in a long time.

The second was a small hispanic gal that smelled of tacos de pollo, con pico salsa.
Those little chemical scanners are legit.

It tested positive and I had to explain in two separate interviews that I was reloading rifle ammo the night prior in the same pair of pants.

I enjoyed two very complete body searches.

The first by a large, heavy-breathing woman with soft hands that obviously hadn't touched a man in a long time.

The second was a small hispanic gal that smelled of tacos de pollo, con pico salsa.
You right!
I had forgotten about the sniffer.
not only did I have a B. A. K in my pack, it had gunpowder residue as well ha! I had forgotten that part.

Curious, what made it obvious she hadn’t touched a man in a long time?
Was in Vegas a handful of years ago for the weekend and they found one live .357 round in my carry on as I was trying to board the flight back to MT. It slipped right past the MSO security when I checked it a couple days earlier, so in Vegas I was very nervous because I had no idea what they were going to pull out. They questioned me for a couple of minutes and let me go on my way with the caveat that they had to keep the live round, I obliged.
When I am faced with any metal detector scenario, I know that I’m likely getting the Full Monty pattdown procedure due to big hunks of metal living where my hip sockets used to live.

One time that caught me off guard was when we were taking a congressional tour of the US Capitol. We met my brother at the congressman’s office, met the tour guide, and off we went to go through the tunnel systems towards the actual Capitol. Before entering the tunnel, we had to go through security screenings. I had to give up my Leatherman Micro that I kept on my keychain, and was a groomsman‘s gift from this same brother.