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Trump: The Useful Idiot


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Three federal agencies that manage and market electricity from the Columbia and Snake river federal dams continue to have a conversation with residents of the Pacific Northwest about the future of the dams and endangered salmon.

More than 2,000 people have attended meetings where they’ve shared what they think should be the scope of an environmental review ordered in May by U.S. Judge Michael Simon. Despite many improvements, the judge and scientists say more needs to be done to ensure future sustainable populations of wild salmon.

But Darryll Olsen, board representative for the Columbia-Snake River Irrigators Association, doesn’t want to have that conversation or the environmental review. He and his group have asked the Trump transition team either to intervene directly or to convene the Endangered Species Committee, a little-used panel that he says could decide that the federal agencies status quo plan is enough. The committee is commonly known as the God Squad, because it can play God and allow an endangered species to go extinct. The committee and its exemption process was added to the Endangered Species Act in 1978. Federal agencies under the act must ensure that its actions won’t cause species to go extinct. To grant an exemption, the God Squad must find there are no reasonable and prudent alternatives; must determine that the benefits of the exemption outweigh alternatives; and that the agencies had not already made an irreversible commitment of resources

Better cling to your "guns", because you ain't going to have any fishing if Trump and his supporters are left unchecked.
So what exactly has Trump done wrong so far regarding this? I'll give the guy hell when it's due, but your post has me confused.
So what exactly has Trump done wrong so far regarding this? I'll give the guy hell when it's due, but your post has me confused.

There is a long line of people who are excited that they now have a Village Idiot in the office, besides Putin. The irrigators are already in the Trump transition team's ear on the Salmon issues. They can quickly convince his administration of the evils of "activist judges" before anyone is aware.

And, interestingly enough, I got a call from a guy on Saturday who had been duck hunting with a member of the "Trump Transition Team". He was all excited, as he had heard directly from Don Jr., that Trump was going to delist the wolves in Wyoming in the first 100 days.

By the time you "give the guy hell", they will have already changed your life.
There is a long line of people who are excited that they now have a Village Idiot in the office, besides Putin. The irrigators are already in the Trump transition team's ear on the Salmon issues. They can quickly convince his administration of the evils of "activist judges" before anyone is aware.

And, interestingly enough, I got a call from a guy on Saturday who had been duck hunting with a member of the "Trump Transition Team". He was all excited, as he had heard directly from Don Jr., that Trump was going to delist the wolves in Wyoming in the first 100 days.

By the time you "give the guy hell", they will have already changed your life.

Is delisting WY wolves a bad thing for sportsmen? I feel like they should be managed in WY like they are in ID and MT.

I agree with you that a Trump Presidency might not be good for the endangered salmon that you referenced.
Is delisting WY wolves a bad thing for sportsmen? I feel like they should be managed in WY like they are in ID and MT.

I agree with you that a Trump Presidency might not be good for the endangered salmon that you referenced.

It depends on how they do it. The ESA is a high value target for congressional republicans including leadership and Rob Bishop (R-Oil). If they delist similarly to how the Simpson-Tester bill was written, then it's ok. If it's a gutting of the ESA then it would be bad. GIven how much the Trump transition listens to SFW & Big Game Forever, and how often Congress has tried to gut the ESA, I think it will be a provision that will split sportsmen regardless of wolves, Wyoming or delisting.

It's how it's done that matters.
And guess who is walking in the front door of Trump Tower today.....

A Trump transition spokesman is confirming published reports that Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador is scheduled to meet with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York Monday.

Expect anti-hunting efforts to pick up steam.
BTW you have until January 17 to submit comments on the Operation of the Columbia River System EIS. Comments can be emailed to [email protected]

My hope is that there's enough public push here in the NW to trump Trump.
If they delist wolves in Wyoming and go back to the 3/4 of the State as a predator (shoot on sight) no license needed zone, I for one will be a happy camper.
If they delist wolves in Wyoming and go back to the 3/4 of the State as a predator (shoot on sight) no license needed zone, I for one will be a happy camper.

They could have had effectively the same management in 2005, but here we are.
You are heading for four long miserable years unless you slow down a little and wait for things to develope.

Some ideas will be bad, some ideas will be good, some ideas will be in between. When we are down to debating what someone supposedly heard second hand in a duck blind, the argument has just about lost all credibility IMHO.
Good lord, Tequila! Get over it, HELLARY LOST!!! Whine somewhere else and let things fall into place before continuing with your unending whining. There will be plenty of time for your drivel when the sky finally starts falling there chicken little.
The ESA is a screwed up process. I hope he does make drastic changes to it. I'm sick of the anti's using it to back their agenda. Wolves have long since been recovered. Grizzlies need to be hunted, there are far too many of them around. Labrador is a pile of �� When it comes to the land transfer, but I'd bet he has a good understanding of the uphill battle of the anti's tying up predator management in court.
...on a bright note, I just heard that Kanye has just been admitted to the NY throne.
Man what a bright future we have! Maybe he's up there so we can get a new anthem & song! A world class,golden one.
*Useful Idiot(s)

Podesta emailed, he's thinking of petitioning (Cali jurisdiction) for copyright infringement. He also has for sale; 3 decades worth of skid grease, a New York state congressional seat of choice, printable voter ID blanks, a warehouse of dowdy Chairman Mao pantsuits, and vast *idiotarian media resources. At closing, he will throw in your choice of 3 each planted debate charge.

*copyright DNC

The ESA is a screwed up process. I hope he does make drastic changes to it. I'm sick of the anti's using it to back their agenda. Wolves have long since been recovered. Grizzlies need to be hunted, there are far too many of them around. Labrador is a pile of �� When it comes to the land transfer, but I'd bet he has a good understanding of the uphill battle of the anti's tying up predator management in court.

The antis you speak of that have tied up wolf delisting wore Stetsons, played Marlboro man, and have 307 area codes on their cell phones...for the record.
Caribou Gear

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