Caribou Gear

Trump talks Hunting and PLA with F&S

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You don't get it. You truly don't. Bernie Sanders is a natural response to the failure of a free people to control themselves. If those who champion the idea of capitalism actually acted in accord with their principles, by accepting personal responsibility for their own actions (cost internalization) and exercising enlightened self-interest, ala Adam Smith, then there would not only be no Bernie Sanders, there would be no need for government.

As it is though, those who champion the idea of capitalism like to socialize their costs (to that extent *they* are socialists) and avail themselves of big government protection from having to take personal responsibility for their own actions (corporate limited liability). They think they can defy the laws of physics by pulling themselves up by their own boot straps and they are so ungrateful, inconsiderate, disrespectful and ignorant of fact, as to think they can be self-made men.

No one wants to be controlled except, possibly, through self control. However, while external efforts to control may manifest notwithstanding, it is clear that a failure to exercise self control will definitely engender those external efforts. A free people will inevitably bring attention to themselves.

The question then is this: If you were to be controlled, would you rather be controlled by “the people”, of which you are one, pursuant to democratic socialism and the leadership of folks like Bernie Sanders? Or would you rather be controlled by a political elite such as Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, et al, who are themselves controlled by those who champion the idea of capitalism but who are actually cost-externalizing, irresponsible socialists who parade around as risk-taking captains of daring-do?

So, it's democratic socialism (Sanders) or socialism (Bush/Hillary)?

Self control/people control, or external control by “them”?

Speaking of free, the "haves" bankers to which you refer have been getting free money since 2008 until the fed just raised the rate a paltry .25%. And yet you were charged how much to borrow that money? And all this after 8 years of Republicans ruined the world economy. It's taken 7 years to barely recover and it won't really happen for another 20 years or so, if then. The damage was next to permanent. And, to the extent Democrats are complicit, it's only because their cowardly asses (Hilary) went along with the Republicans for fear of being called "un-American" or "un-patriotic."

Sanders and Trump are the only possible way out of this mess and even then only if we clean House and Senate.

Ok I'll summarize your post..


Yes compartmentalize your anger over the banker bailout and auto bailout (which I don't think anyone agreed with) by turning your anger toward "capitalism". And look to socialism...or communism light as the answer. Ok. Don't blame the crooks that allowed it to happen, blame the system they crony capitalism.

That's fine. It worked for the USSR. Seems to be working for North Korea. All for the greater good. Because we all know.."you didn't build that, someone else did". I cant wait to hand over my money to subsidize some low life's income, bring on Bernie. I also cant wait to pay for some p.o.s.'s health care after they spent 50yrs treating their body like a dumpster.

I for one am glad to hear Trump come out and say he supports access to public land, and is against the transfer of that land to the state.
Ok I'll summarize your post..


Yes compartmentalize your anger over the banker bailout and auto bailout (which I don't think anyone agreed with) by turning your anger toward "capitalism". And look to socialism...or communism light as the answer. Ok. Don't blame the crooks that allowed it to happen, blame the system they crony capitalism.

That's fine. It worked for the USSR. Seems to be working for North Korea. All for the greater good. Because we all know.."you didn't build that, someone else did". I cant wait to hand over my money to subsidize some low life's income, bring on Bernie. I also cant wait to pay for some p.o.s.'s health care after they spent 50yrs treating their body like a dumpster.

I for one am glad to hear Trump come out and say he supports access to public land, and is against the transfer of that land to the state.

You did not learn any of that from any accredited learning institution, left *or* right; or from any credible source for that matter. You are already handing over your money to subsidize some low life's income but he's not who you think he is. ;)
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Never would have thought a b-rate movie star would have been elected either.

Nor an unknown "community organizer" who got two runs at it. It's difficult to believe that the American people could have been so misguided and/or stupid twice in a row.

There just aren't nor have there been many decent choices in a good long time.
Let me go ahead and state I'm a Christian and believe in the bible. This is basically God's judgment upon our land, for the last 4-5 election cycles we have had phoney candidates that were bought by the lobbyist/special interest groups. A nation that is 18 trillon in debt, doesn't support out allies (Israel), makes side deals with terrorist organizations (Iran, M.B.), kills our babies, produces 70% of the porn for the world, addicted to gambling/sports/drugs, promotes queers/dikes, and promotes wrong as right and right as wrong will not expect any type of blessing or succeed as a nation.

Like it or not our founding father's left Europe due to taxation and religious persecution. Our former leaders believed and studied the bible and prayed for our country.

There is a God and his Son died for our sins during his first coming to this earth. His next return will be for judgement. Repent and turn to God for today is the day of salvation.

We can expect a one world government to form, one common monetary system, increasing wars, famines, natural diasaters, and persecution before the Lord's return.
Free college, expanding medicare (ie free medical care), $15 an hour minimum wage (ie free money you didn't earn). The FSA loves Bernie for a reason.

And lets not forget how both nutters (Hildog and Bernie) bragged about their "poor NRA rating" (not that im a fan of the NRA, but just shows how they pander to the crowd).

If you're a socialist or communist, I get why you like Bernie. You want to take from the "haves", and hand it to the "have nots". I truly get it. I think its probably the most moronic thing I've ever heard, but I get it. You want more, for less.

Wrong,I fought them and for your right to think what you want.
I see someone talking the issues that are affecting most Americans I know and someone discussing those issues
Not more welfare for the wealthy.
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Let me go ahead and state I'm a Christian and believe in the bible. This is basically God's judgment upon our land, for the last 4-5 election cycles we have had phoney candidates that were bought by the lobbyist/special interest groups. A nation that is 18 trillon in debt, doesn't support out allies (Israel), makes side deals with terrorist organizations (Iran, M.B.), kills our babies, produces 70% of the porn for the world, addicted to gambling/sports/drugs, promotes queers/dikes, and promotes wrong as right and right as wrong will not expect any type of blessing or succeed as a nation.

Like it or not our founding father's left Europe due to taxation and religious persecution. Our former leaders believed and studied the bible and prayed for our country.

There is a God and his Son died for our sins during his first coming to this earth. His next return will be for judgement. Repent and turn to God for today is the day of salvation.

We can expect a one world government to form, one common monetary system, increasing wars, famines, natural diasaters, and persecution before the Lord's return.


The religious zealots wonder why a majority of people have lost faith in church, don't go to church, and believe the bible is akin to an aesop's fable???

That post is 100% the reason why...

If a person tried to sell a product with that kind of advertisement, they'd go broke.

What a joke.
Repent and turn to God for today is the day of salvation.
Pagosa, I admire your religious zeal, but caution you regarding arrogance. As a Christian myself, I have to point out the many flaws of man you describe are not new nor only recently seen in our nation or the world. (Consider the Roman Empire.) Of course they are now in your face and emphasized because of the media and information technology such as we are communicating through right now. To think that the end of the world and salvation to mankind will occur on "your watch" is somewhat egocentric and arrogant. 'Not meant as a criticism or an acceptance of moral decline, just an observation and cautionary note. Work and lobby for the good change, not for the end.
To think that the end of the world and salvation to mankind will occur on "your watch" is somewhat egocentric and arrogant.

I agree. While it *could* happen, it's unlikely. There are things so big I cannot grasp them but every once in a while there is a little momentary flash which gets through to my brain and I am stunned by it. Two of these times are when I'm reading physics and then look at the stars; and when I'm reading about geology and then look at the sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous sections of my canon wall. Those little flashes may be God flicking my brain with a finger but they might also be evidence of the fact that I'm not really even on his/her/its radar. When I want to get away from that flicking or humbling, I hunt, and there he/she/it is: in church.

Don't be messing with my church.
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Riley, that is profound albeit somewhat difficult for my intellect to fully grasp, but it better expresses my feelings and belief. Thank-you.

You are welcome. I think hunting brings those little flashes to us but we can't quite put it into words.
I think now that Trump has buddied up with Sarah Palin, he might have shot himself in the foot. I did have respect for Sarah with her stance for veterans and outdoor issues and as a hunter. But, with her trying to blame her son's drunken domestic violence issue and armed instance with the police on Obama is just asenine and I think cost her a lot of credibility. As much as I dislike Obama, I just can't fathom how she can possibly connect the dots on this one. Now the major and 'minor' news and even veteran groups are speaking out against this and I think it's going to hurt Trump in the long run. I think she meant for it to be some sort of rallying point for conservative Republicans to jump on an anti-Obama hate bandwagon, but it just made her look even more ignorant and like more of a laughing stock.
Dang, I thought I logged into Hunt Talk, not Huffington Post! LOL. I am just glad we have had a Candidate state that he was against the transfer of Public Lands so we can talk of this. John
There is a God and his Son died for our sins during his first coming to this earth. His next return will be for judgement. Repent and turn to God for today is the day of salvation.

Why are you guys flaming Pagosa for stating what every Orthodox Christian believes? Stating that today is the day of salvation is completely consistent why Jesus' message. Yesterday is gone, we do not have the promise of tomorrow, we have the present (today) to obey what He says.

When the Bible speaks of nations/civilizations/governments it always does so with the teaching that those nations who follow His principles will be blessed and those who reject Him and His commandments will be judged and other nations will take their place.

It's a little bit like all of us on here pointing out that if politicians sell off our public lands, there will be negative consequences for that poor judgement and action and we and our children will no longer have the blessings of public land to recreate on.
I think now that Trump has buddied up with Sarah Palin, he might have shot himself in the foot. I did have respect for Sarah with her stance for veterans and outdoor issues and as a hunter. But, with her trying to blame her son's drunken domestic violence issue and armed instance with the police on Obama is just asenine and I think cost her a lot of credibility. As much as I dislike Obama, I just can't fathom how she can possibly connect the dots on this one. Now the major and 'minor' news and even veteran groups are speaking out against this and I think it's going to hurt Trump in the long run. I think she meant for it to be some sort of rallying point for conservative Republicans to jump on an anti-Obama hate bandwagon, but it just made her look even more ignorant and like more of a laughing stock.
Is it possible for either one to look MORE ignorant?


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You don't get it. You truly don't. Bernie Sanders is a natural response to the failure of a free people to control themselves. If those who champion the idea of capitalism actually acted in accord with their principles, by accepting personal responsibility for their own actions (cost internalization) and exercising enlightened self-interest, ala Adam Smith, then there would not only be no Bernie Sanders, there would be no need for government.

As it is though, those who champion the idea of capitalism like to socialize their costs (to that extent *they* are socialists) and avail themselves of big government protection from having to take personal responsibility for their own actions (corporate limited liability). They think they can defy the laws of physics by pulling themselves up by their own boot straps and they are so ungrateful, inconsiderate, disrespectful and ignorant of fact, as to think they can be self-made men.

No one wants to be controlled except, possibly, through self control. However, while external efforts to control may manifest notwithstanding, it is clear that a failure to exercise self control will definitely engender those external efforts. A free people will inevitably bring attention to themselves.

The question then is this: If you were to be controlled, would you rather be controlled by “the people”, of which you are one, pursuant to democratic socialism and the leadership of folks like Bernie Sanders? Or would you rather be controlled by a political elite such as Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, et al, who are themselves controlled by those who champion the idea of capitalism but who are actually cost-externalizing, irresponsible socialists who parade around as risk-taking captains of daring-do?

So, it's democratic socialism (Sanders) or socialism (Bush/Hillary)?

Self control/people control, or external control by “them”?

Speaking of free, the "haves" bankers to which you refer have been getting free money since 2008 until the fed just raised the rate a paltry .25%. And yet you were charged how much to borrow that money? And all this after 8 years of Republicans ruined the world economy. It's taken 7 years to barely recover and it won't really happen for another 20 years or so, if then. The damage was next to permanent. And, to the extent Democrats are complicit, it's only because their cowardly asses (Hilary) went along with the Republicans for fear of being called "un-American" or "un-patriotic."

Sanders and Trump are the only possible way out of this mess and even then only if we clean House and Senate.

You have a curious view of the world. You obviously don't work in the private sector.
Why are you guys flaming Pagosa for stating what every Orthodox Christian believes?

When the Bible speaks of nations/civilizations/governments it always does so with the teaching that those nations who follow His principles will be blessed and those who reject Him and His commandments will be judged and other nations will take their place.

That right there is the reason why people have given up on church...the judgemental attitude and "belief" that if you don't follow in lock-step with the Bible you'll be judged.

If that's the attitude that Christians and the bible can have it. That's why a majority of U.S. citizens are either agnostic or atheist.

People of all races, religions, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc. etc. etc. do a lot of good things for people, people they don't even know. They don't do so because of their religious beliefs. They don't do so because they fear they might be judged by some God or some ass-hat that goes to church on Sunday. They do it because they want to and because they feel its the right thing to do.

If Churches want to start judging, maybe they should concentrate on their own "flock" I've seen more than a few religious bible-thumpers, of every stripe and belief, that aren't even close to decent human beings.

I guess an agnostic/atheist that finds a cure for cancer, diabetes, MS, or is an other-wise good person (in particular if they're "queer" or a "dike"), should be judged and sent to hell because they haven't followed "Him" or the "Bible"...give me a break.

Yet, the various church groups are all wondering why people don't show up to their churches, join, and get run off the front porch when they show up peddling their religion???

Gee, I wonder why?
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Buzz - will you be Bear's running mate? A good dose of common sense would be useful.
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