Caribou Gear




Looking through the F&T catalog tonight putting an order together. I havn’t trapped in two years so I’m looking forward to getting back at it. I usually start around thanksgiving and stop a few days before Christmas, mainly targeting Raccoon, Coyote,and Badger. Anyone else getting ready to catch some fur?
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Yep! In the past I have always ran snares for coyotes. Bought 2dz foot holds and I plan to run a foot hold line for a few weeks this late October early November before winter sets in
bought a little 4wheeler trailer today so I can take the 4wheeler with this year and get back into running my longer snare lines. Hopefully save on some hard use of the pickup. Be ordering some snaring stuff in the next week or so and start building some snares. Traps are out just have to make time to get them prepped for the season. I don't start till December 1st as November is just to busy for me filling the freezer.
Sadly we lost trapping in CO... kinda...

I got my feet wet in Montana and had a blast, jealous of you guys that get to run a trap line for beaver and scrats.
Got our new traps waxed and dyed. Added some piano springs to a few and had the drags reinforced.
We target coyotes and bobcats with coons as an added take when possible.
Between the 2 of us we run about 25 traps or so. May do some snaring this year as well.
We lost our trapping mentor a few years back and it really hurt, he was a master at catching beaver and we now have a problem again. He taught us a great deal about catching cats and coyotes too.
Sure miss you Forrest, rest in peace.
I agree with what Addicting reccomends, Anything Charles Dobbins wrote is worth having, also check out “The dirthole set and it’s variations”. This year I’m going to try some DP’s for coons, my cousin really likes them for quick easy sets. Hoping fur prices are decent this year, either way I’ll be setting.
I recently got into trapping..... shells not fur... shells with attitudes! Bought a turtle trap last week. Baited it with a can of tuna, 2days later had two snappers in it. I’m going to clean & cook one when it’s convenient, but these guys got a ride down to a creek .5mi away. Mean & nasty suckers!BD8E6FD8-32B7-4E8A-8D87-24B089A94184.jpeg3DDF1346-9092-4CDE-9187-4345A05E0EDD.jpeg6001F11C-8E43-4F18-B69B-960A8C8B2912.jpeg
For me no, but my brother on the other hand. It is a year round thing for him.
For anyone interested go to trapperman as suggested and start reading the archives, there is lifetimes of trapping information there.
For anyone interested go to trapperman as suggested and start reading the archives, there is lifetimes of trapping information there.

Years ago, I started trapping and lots of the info came from Trapperman. I have bought and sold lots of trapping stuff, through their sale sight. I actually met Paul at a national trapper's convention in Kearney, Nebraska, one year. I trapped for a number of years, but only do it for problem animals around here, now. It was fun and hard work, but I got some nice stuff sold over the years. I still have several tanned beavers and three bobcats on the back of my couch.
Never trapped before but interested in maybe setting a few traps for nutria this year. It's hard to get access to private land where most are at, but there are a few places of public that I think might be worthwhile. This year they increased the bounty to $6 per tail, and it would be good to get more for the freezer. Just got to figure if by the time I spend money on gas for truck and boat, and trappers licenses it is still worth the increased costs of traps vs shooting them onsite.
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