

May 27, 2019
Jesup GA
I wanted to get some opinions on a transportation issue I have. I’m wanting to start applying for the Idaho draws but since I live in Georgia it’s not feasible to drive that distance. I’m fine with driving to most most western states but over 2,000 miles starts to get a little much but I don’t want to not be applying to states because of that reason. So my question is how would I be able to fly to a state and then be able to access hard to reach public land. I would be setting up camp so I would only need the transportation to the location and then back to the airport so a rental vehicle doesn’t make since to me. There should be a hunters Uber company. Any advice helps. Thanks.
Most of the commercial airports in ID or nearby aren't going to be anywhere near "hard to reach public land". You're going to have to rent a can be hard to find a rental SUV/pickup.
Somebody used to post photos of hunts from the smallest size uhaul truck you can rent. A hammock inside would be dry, and able to haul anything. Maybe Sytes? I’m search challenged.
Somebody used to post photos of hunts from the smallest size uhaul truck you can rent. A hammock inside would be dry, and able to haul anything. Maybe Sytes? I’m search challenged.
It was me. A Uhaul or other moving truck at times is the cheapest rental. But watch out for the mileage fees. You basically have a rough camper.
E-bike in your carry-on. :D

Wouldn't be that crazy in CO, you could fly to Denver, get picked up with your bike by CME, stay in a hotel for the first night. Bike into your hunt area, get picked up at the same hotel on your last day and fly home.
Look at Turo for renting a little truck or SUV.
Talk nice to people in the areas you would like to hunt. There are people on here that I would happily share a camp with, even though we've never met in person. I doubt they would want to hunt elk with me though, I seem to have a magnetic repulsion for elk, when I'm around, they aren't