Tough Day


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
North Dakota
Today was one of the hardest days ever for me. My best hunting partner Enzo had to go to a better place. Enzo has battled epilepsy almost his whole life. We have treated it and he had been doing very well and enjoing life.

Not entirely related to the epilepsy he had an esophagus condition that took over the last months of his life. It was a struggle for my family to get through these tough times with our best bud.

Yesterday my wife took Enzo to the vet to have all the test done to find out what is happening. The outcome was the worst. I won't go into details of his condition but it was decided on to be terminal.

Today at 10:30 was when we had to send Enzo to a better place with no pain and suffering. This day was more than I could ever have imagined as he was so loved by his family and so many others.

Enzo's first hunt, 8 months. He was so proud of these birds even though he didn't flush or retrieve one of them. He had a blast.
Fall 2004 050.jpg

His very first retrieve.
2005 Enzo.jpg

This was Enzo's last hunt. I am so happy that his last hunt was with the best of friends and his favorite hunting companions.
Nov. 2011 (1).jpg

Thanks Enzo.
Sorry to hear of the loss. I went through the same thing about 6 months ago with the best family friend ever. The big C unfortunately doesn't discriminate.
I know your pain. I had to put down my lab Leonard this past Oct, which I had for 12.5 years. Hang in there. Think upon the good times of bird hunting with your best friend.
I feel your pain, brother. 3 weeks ago I had to put down my female Chocolate Lab. Like you, I had no idea it was going to be that tough without her.

They can't be replaced, but a fresh pup should help fade the saddness.
So sorry you had to go through this. Those furballs sure have a way of working their way into our hearts, don't they?
Thanks for all the kind comments fellas, it sure helps. It sure is strange coming home from work and he is not there to greet me.
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