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Tooth & Fang


New member
Jan 7, 2012
Just wanted to share with you guys a coyote hunting film we just released called Tooth & Fang. We already OK'd posting the film with Randy.

Tooth & Fang takes a closer look at why the management of coyotes is necessary across the West. Filmed over the course of three years this film showcases some perspective as to why we hunt coyotes and why achieving a balance is important on so many levels. It's a departure from the usual whack and stack with heavy metal music you see in a lot of predator hunting videos. If nothing else the 2 minutes to watch the trailer should be a good use of your time. If you do decide to watch the film we'd love to hear your feedback!

Video Link > https://vimeo.com/ondemand/toothandfang
Great video shots which is the norm for montana wild, their skills are second to none. I have watched coyotes hunt and kill deer strategically, they are incredible hunters. I'm all for balance.

However, the idea of hunting coyotes to help out subsidized ranchers who (in Idaho) want as few elk as possible on public land is not something I am going to spend my gas money on. Years of talking with biologists and seeing great habitat turned to dust and cow pies have worn on me. Barbed wire strung over the mountains is a great sight and all that for a whopping 2.5% of our country's cattle production.

Sorry, channeled my inner Jose there for a minute.
MtnWest that's definitely a fair point for some ranchers out there. There will always be good ranchers and bad ranchers. Fortunately we've gotten to spend time with some families that have a very grounded viewpoint on what the capacity of the landscape is both for their cows but also for the wildlife and how it effects not just the land but also the rivers and creeks that are in the area. Also these ranches in the film are all 100% private. I would bet most Western hunters have been frustrated by cattle who graze on public lands though.
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