PEAX Equipment

Tooks the kids for some Pike fishing


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Booked a Trip for the Kids with the hook-up to lake Mary for some Pike fishing. Before they go back to school and wanted to go to san Diego didn't have time so this was the closet thing.

Earlier this week I told them we were going to catch pike, they were jazzed, this morning I told them its up in the Forrest The Warden was going they were all excited. I guess they forgot pike were up there only.
Typical Pro staffers, when they got me out of bed they already had there Hook UP t-shirts and hats on from an earlier trip this Year.

We got to Lake Mary at 12:30 to Hook up with Dale. He had an earlier gig with someone in the morning and they nailed some pretty good ones and a huge yellow perch.

we head across the lake and Anthony wanted to cast, he was still having problems so Dale picked up a spinning rod. He had Anthony casting with in 30 Min's, then Anthony got a little lazy with the casting so he made Dale do it.
Anthony Caught 3 2 with Dale setting the hook and one on his own. Claudia Caught 2 both the biggest again One that I hooked for her to reel in the Big one that Dale hooked for her to reel in.
I enjoy sitting and watching the kids catch fish and them Just having fun,
Dale was able to Teach both kids how to cast in just a hour, its taken me a year + !
Anthony Not to be out done by his sister in casting took it more seriously and was casting extremely well. He was pretty jealous and didn't want to be out done that Claudia could cast really good. He told her to leave the front of the boat and told me to leave also and goto the back with Claudia, she went and casted away in the back of the boat and pretty much did it for a couple hours with no help. The kids got quite a few bites but couldn't hook up, I got a few bite and lost a good one handing the rod off to Anthony, Dale had quite a few hits also.
We were using braided line, you don't need to set the hook right away as they will hit it multiple times and setting the hook will just pull it away from them. We were throwing blades , buzz baits that were chartreuse with trailer hooks on them.

If you want o hit Lake Mary and never been up there Give the hook up a call, even if you have a boat book a trip with them and you will get to know the lake and how to fish for them its well worth the money, plus you don't have to haul your boat up there.

This is my second trip with them for the kids and I guarantee you there will me more, we always have fun and I can just sit back and relax and enjoy it.

Heres Dale trying to steal Anthony's fish, Anthony ain't going for it.


If you look at Anthony's Hand he threw it on top of Dales hand to keep Dale from stealing his fish.


I think I heard him Mumble something to Dale about " I caught it its mine"


Claudia wanted to fish with a worm and bobber then play with the worms

Claudia Also wanted to learn how to Cats and be on the front of the boat, so she kicked Anthony off. Dale had her casting like a pro with in 2-4 cast. She was hitting the bank with ease, I was pretty impressed. Dale was also fishing so he could pass the rod to the kids so they could reel them in, He hooked Claudia's big one and handed the rod to her.


When it got to the boat and made a splash, Dale grabbed the Net and Netted it. When it was in the boat she did the typical drop the rod and run to the back of the boat that fish has teeth. took some coaxing from everyone to get her pic with it.

Dad says smile Claudia

Mom Says SMILE Claudia

Dale Says Smile Claudia

I thik she is scared of these.
Very cool Del. I didn't know they had "snot rockets" in AZ. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great time.
We have them at Lake Mary and a few other lakes, Lake mary is most popular do to you can put a big boat in it. There a blast to catch. I havent been out in 5-6 months with the kids and have resorted to just booking a guide since they have a working boat ;).
sure was nice and cool up in the pines was like 77 degree80 degrees tops.
The kids had a blast, Claudia still did the fish is in the net drops the pole and runs to the back of the boat, she loves to catch them but once they break water and she sees the teeth, shes out of here..
Anthony on the other hand loves them teeth or no teeth he doesnt care,

it was the first day off out of town April and I took with the kids in maybe 5-6 years, April usually doesnt go anymore she likes the piece and quiet at home. She had a blast up there and misses the cool weather. I am sure we will start taking trips up north again since she got out of the house or work.

Going to try to get Dad up there next month if he is feeling better and gets his strength back. Tried to get him to go this time but it was too soon.

you know I really like catching these fish more than Bass. They fight pretty hard and are a blast on buzzbaits. Claudia's so far was teh biggest out of 4 trips, 2 trips with the kids and 2 trips with a friend.
A last week they nailed a 22lber and a few 15lbers. Claudias maybe went 6-8?
I still also want to hook one with a fly rod ;)

Pretty cool Del. Looks like they had a blast, and you can't beat those temperatures this time of year.
Del, I know it's been a while, but who's Claudia and where's Danni?


Dani is all grown up and bought her first house last year. has a house job car celphone cc cards all before she was 19.

Claudia is the terror, takes after dani and just as smart if not smarter.

How you been Dan?

Good Del. At least I think I have. Beginning to think I've got CRS.. Was that Danni with you at the gas station last year? How about you and April? Seems I remember this little thing wrapped in a blanket on April's lap sitting in the living room while you and I talked about Prairie Poodles.. 1990 or 91?
yes that was Dani you saw when you had the roadster.
April and I were talking about taking that 2 month old out shooting p-dogs the other day( when we were fishing). time flies.

I used to carry her in a back pack when I was quail hunting or carry her in one arm and shoot the 410 wiith the other., deer hunting or just yote hunting in the desert. that kid went everywhere with me, I think I still got those ear muffs I made for her to when she was little.

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