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Dec 19, 2003
St. Ignatius,MT
How do you guys feel about tipping? Now first I want to say I tip all the time so I'm really not that cheap. I just dont feel like it is my responsibility to help pay for somebodys wages when in order for the buisness to operate they have to have an employee conduct those services. What really burns me is its not like the food or whatever is cheap, in fact most prices are ridiculous. Maybe it should be more like a choice, like instead of using the waitress I should be able to go holler at the cook and tell him what I want and then when its done I just walk over and get it myself. I think its time the owners start paying these people what they deserve and stop putting it off on the consumer. I say BOYCOTT TIPPING!!!
I've never tipped, but I've some acquaintances who have. I even heard of one guy who got crushed when his pals tipped the wrong way.
I tip.
My mom raised me and my sister(properly, I think) by herself on waitress wages so I tend to be sympathetic to waitstaff.

First off, I usually round up to the next even dollar(guy math)

If service is good I tip the expected 15%
If its really good or Christmas 20%-ish
If it sucks I go out of my way to leave a penny.
I lay the penny in the middle of a napkin with one word, describing why they're getting a penny. Usually its ATTITUDE.
I tip, because it is not the waiter or waitress's fault that the system is set up the way it is. By not tipping, I am just screwing them over, not the owner of the establishment. I agree that their wage should be appropriate and not based upon what they "might" receive in tips.
Allright you cheapskates, I tip all of the time and so should you! I go to casino/resorts about twice a month and i tip the bellhops/waitresses/valet etc. some guy/girl is hauling your icechest/baggage and other stuff up to your room Tippem at least a buck per bag/item, some kid runs his ass of to go get your car/truck out of valet whats a couple of bucks? my first job ever at 14 was a busboy and tips meant everything! life is to short to go thru it as a cheapskate, if you get good service then tip well, if you get lousy service then don`t tip as well. thats my opinion.
I tip now, where as I didn't do much in the past. However, I don't just give a customary %, but rather base my tip on the service provided.
I've never tipped, but I've some acquaintances who have. I even heard of one guy who got crushed when his pals tipped the wrong way.
*sigh* Cow tipping, people. Work with me here. ;)

I tip similar to 1_p. I've done my share of waiting and hash-slinging and wouldn't wish it on anyone...if they're good to me I'll be good to them. If they're rude, or service is poor, I don't.
Cow tipping? How much do you tip a cow? Is it a percentage? What do they do with the money? Where do you put the money? They ain got hands. Why would you tip them, they usually give bad service and are usually BOSSIE.
Waiters, waitress's and parking valets I usually tip. The size of the tip depends on the service, it he service sucked so does the tip. Parking valets deserve it they have to run blocks to get your car.
to clarify about the penny. some people just don't tip and when the rare occasion occurs that I get bad service I want to make sure the person gets the message.
I tip, depending on the service. But if the service is bad, I don't leave a tip.
For a long, long time, the standard tip, for standard service was 10%. When did it become 15% ? With prices going higher and higher, 15% is too much in some cases. I don't hold the waiter or waitress responsable for bad food, or late food, as long as the food is hot when it arrives. But if it shows up cold, then I figure it was done on time, but the waiter just had better things to do than bring it to me while it was still hot.
As far as "waitress wages" I have known some waitress who make $500 to $700 a week in cash tips, on top of their wages. If they work at a good place, and hustel, it aint a bad living.

Standard service = 10%
Good service = 15%
Really good, the sky is the limit
Poor service = 5%
Bad service = 0
Waitress's have the most unthankful job in the world. They get min wage or less( and its less in AZ)
A waitress is like the middle man. if the restruant suck they hear about it if the cooks suck they hear about it, if the customers wife sucks they heard about that too. ;)

I agree they should make the restruant owners pay decent wages and drop tips how ever this is what would happen.

your burger would run about 30 bucks and it would be cold. you would have to get it yourself, cause if some waitress is making 10+ per hour on wages and no tips allowed she sure they hell aint going to bring your food to you,listen to your bs stories, run herself ragged everytime you want a cup of coffee, then send her back for a bottle of ketchup, then back again for a coke for your kid, then back again cause you didnt have enough cream etc. because your to lazy to say hey when you bring my food I will need ketchup and drink for the kid some salt a extra plate another napkin to clean all the mess's you make another drink for your kid more napkins etc.

Tip em , be thankful they are there and shut up about it ;)

I wasnt telling you to shut up about it ;)


[ 03-12-2004, 00:19: Message edited by: Delw ]
We always tip. If the service from the waiter or waitress is bad, we still tip but just not very much. Most of the bad service from a waiter or waitress is due to poor training or being new. After all, if they reallly sucked, then they would more than likely be history and wouldn't be there at all. I agree with what Del said. Be thankful they are there to wait on your ass. If you don't want to tip, then stay the HELL home and fix your own meal.
I would like to thank the Chef how do you go about doing that.
Kiwi, that isn't done here, at least not outside of them fancy Frinch restaurants. ;) Honestly, you rarely see anyone speak to the chef, and when it does it's because he's pissed and not the other way around.

Funny story about the biggest tip I ever got in the food business. I worked at a "service line" restaurant where you walk up to the counter, order, slide your tray down the line to get your drink and silverware, then pay at the end. Your order is cooked and brought to your table. Well, this lady comes in and orders a T-bone rare, and tells me she just wants me to "heat it up good and that's all." I asked her how rare she wanted it, and she said that she wanted on the plate by the time she got to the end of the line. :eek: So I slapped that beotch on the grill, browned it on each side (barely even got the stripes on it!), and took it off just as she pulled up to the cash register. She looked it over and handed me a $20. :D I cleaned her table later, and she had eaten every bloody bite.
I tip based on the service I get, if it is good service, it will be handed out accordingly and usually more than expected, but if it is bad, I have no problem leaving a copper currency in place, that usually for the few times I have done it, seems to improve the service to my table any way!!!
I tip, usually 15% for good service. Did any of you know that a penny left face up is a compliment, and one left face down means you didn't like the service? If I feel like tipping the cook/chef then I ask to speak with them, or I walk over to the service door with the waitstaff. For exceptional meals, I've tipped the cook more then the waitstaff at times. I've been to some establishments where the waitstaff is expected to split their tips with the cook staff, I'm not in favor of that rule.
If the service is terrible, I won't leave a tip, and will tell the waitstaff so. I will not return to that establishment. One of those establishments TGIF. Terrible service.
I have worked as a waittress for alot of years.. I had started at fourteen and now that I am no longer in my teens, that was some time ago. Let's leave it at that.

Waitresses, busboys (or bus-persons, if you are going to get touchy), and bartenders are required to pay income taxes on their tips based on gross sales. If they don't report tips, the restaurant will allocate their tips and report them anyway.
It's something like 8% of gross sales that will be allocated in this state.

This state also pays waittresses two- something an hour.

So, you guys that go to the same restaurant on a regular basis, don't tip, and get lousy service: go figure.

All in all, the non-tippers are very few. That is why restaurant staff remembers you so well

And another thought: do you really want the person who is handling your food to be irked that you are in their station? I am sure it's the last plate taken out of the kitchen.

My best tipper wasn't even a customer. There was some guy that would come into the restaurant every Friday during the lunch rush, hand me a twenty dollar bill, and leave. I don't have a clue who he was and he never ate there, but he said he would just drink it up in a bar anyways. This went on for months.

I don't think anyone pays attention to the coin up/ coin down thing except customers. I have never heard any coworker discussing it. The bills folded into origami is fun, tho. I once got a pair of origami boots. And I have kept sketches drawn on napkins that are very good.

Ten Bears,

While its a cutesy thing to leave the coin "good side" up for a good waitress or "bad side" up for a bad one..I have got to wonder who the heck has the time or inclination to scrutinize CHANGE?

What happens if the coin is flipped over by the person cleaning the table before the waittress picks up the tip? What if the napkin with the story explaining the coin is thrown away?

A verbal compliment or complaint to the waitstaff or management will go alot further than a coin turned on a specific side.
