Time to dump points


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
Talking to a younger guy at supply yard.

We were discussing how tgeyvhave cut meetings, try to not be around each other.

He's in 20's.

We usually talk hunting. He had an intetesting take.

Basically that it is amazing the boomer crowd is causing his generation to face doom, loss of livelihood, marriages on hold, etc.

YET God forbid those same boomers support dumping points to make it fair for the younger crowd.

Pretty hard to argue that
yeah, the boomers are causing my generation to face doom


i'm just as much the agent of my demise as anyone else. in the case of covid, there's really nobody to blame, other than "shit happens"
Millennials are certainly facing different challenges than boomers did. Millennials also have some advantages.

More and more Millennials will be taking the reins and it's up to them/us to make the appropriate changes, they are necessitated by our new reality.

I think it's a bit ridiculous to blame everything on boomers, but at the same time I think it's ridiculous for boomers not to acknowledge that we have become adults in a different era, and practices that worked 30 years ago don't hold up anymore.

Hopefully thoughtful individuals from various age groups will be able to work together to leverage each generations various strengths.

Nothing new in this really, the young son trying to rest control of the company/kingdom/whatever from his aging father is a pretty ingrained trope in literature/movies/etc.

I have learned a ton from boomers/genXer's in my workplace, and have had the good fortune to work with a number that were willing to give me a chance to grow and shape company policy, eg implement new technology and processes that I think were real value adds. I certainly couldn't have done it if 1. I hadn't been give the opportunity and 2. I hadn't had mentors from other generations.

I like to make jokes about the antagonistic relationship, because I think it's asinine.
You know you are old when your thoughts are “I have no idea how these kids are going to make it”.
You know you are old when your thoughts are “I have no idea how these kids are going to make it”.
I often wonder this about my own 2 kids ...I try to imagine the rest of their generation being different 🤷‍♂️
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