Three Forks Ranch... Outside of RFW Boundries.


Aug 19, 2013
So I have read Big Fins post about not being able to hunt BLM lands with a regular OTC rifle tag, if that falls INSIDE the Ranching for Wildlife boundries on the TFR, even with a vaild tag for the unit, unless its a RFW tag... It really sucks i know! but it is what it is. So my question is, are the lands to the west of the RFW boundary that you CAN hunt with a regular OTC tag landlocked now due to ranch road closures, or can you still find a creative way in, and is the hunting in that part of the unit (yahoo mtn area) worth the complicated access.

And i spoke with the BLM manager for the area and all he could (would) tell me is that no you cant hunt inside the RFW boundary even on BLM, but that the ranch holds a second permit for BLM OUTSIDE the RFW area in the same unit where you can hunt the BLM with the OTC rifle tag regardless of difficult access. He just couldn't tell me for sure if it was landlocked in places. from the maps it appears you could access it from a long hike or horse ride or from the air.

Any insight on this area and the access west of the RFW area that is BLM would be appreciated!!


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Can't speak specifically to Elk or RFW issues, but we hunted antelope on the NW corner of that BLM area 2 seasons ago. Unless things have changed since we were there, that county road 129 goes through the Grieves Easement SWA (partially blocked by the legend and title on the RFW map). I believe the SWA is the only public access to that BLM, we drove around scouting it quite a bit w/onXmaps and thats all we found. So yeah long walk or a horse ride for most of the area. There is actually a small corral at the SWA parking area.
I don't know the answer but I will be up there during the archery elk season. I was looking at the same thing as you and found some pictures online of that SWA just to the west and from what I saw it didn't seem like a place I would target during September. Now maybe later in the rifle season OK. I hope to have time to drive around that area during our trip for future trips. For now I will concentrate on higher elevations.

Good luck
One other note for access: there isn't actually a bridge across the Little Snake River there on county road 129, so the road is on either side of the river but you have to access the SWA from the west off WY-70.

I'm no elk expert, but I would agree that elk likely wouldn't be there during archery season. Not too far (higher elevation) from there though we heard elk bugling as we were stalking antelope. Pretty cool.
thanks for the responses. So if i understand correctly the only public access point is the far northern end of the SWA. nothing on the southern end? (long mtn area)
Thats Correct, the only access is from the North end. Its a good 7 miles to get to where the elk are and then its only a small area that is treed with aspen and very dense service berry. There is also private land around yahoo mtn that runs hunters in the area as well as RFW to the South and West of the SWA. Mostly sagebrush and a few elk, it more of a migration corridor in late November. It is great antelope hunting though...
Thats Correct, the only access is from the North end. Its a good 7 miles to get to where the elk are and then its only a small area that is treed with aspen and very dense service berry. There is also private land around yahoo mtn that runs hunters in the area as well as RFW to the South and West of the SWA. Mostly sagebrush and a few elk, it more of a migration corridor in late November. It is great antelope hunting though...
Hi Sneakem,

My son (USAF with two deployments in the middle east) an I are likely to draw a Unit 4/5 Antelope tag this year and I was looking at this SWA as a area to hunt. Was searching this forum for Grimes SWA and found this thread.

Would you mind answering a few questions for me? I will not be able to make a scouting trip like I would normally do because I will be hunting Cape Buffalo for two weeks in the summer and burning up my vacation time until this hunt in Oct

1) Can you camp in the interior of this SWA/BLM land or just up by the parking area?
2) Is this area drivable by 4WD pickup? Side-by-Side? It looks like lots of two tracks through the area but people in this thread mentioning horses so I was wondering if that was just later (like during 2nd Rifle Elk) and the snow prevented vehicle's from getting into the area or if it is just too rough for vehicles or they are not allowed?
3) Does that group by yahoo mtn also run antelope hunts? How crowded is the area during antelope week?
4) Does the pressure from hunters let up after the first weekend? I am thinking that by Monday many have gone back to work where as we will stay all week if need be.
5) Is the Baker's Peak SWL over by Highway 13 in Unit 4 open to hunting/camping?

Thank you in advance for any information you can share to help us this October.
Feel free to message me if you would rather chat that way. I appreciate any help.

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