They just want a better life, lets not worry about it


New member
Sep 5, 2002
CAVE CREEK – On Monday, Cave Creek Town Marshal Adam Stein observed about nine men clustered together, obstructing the entrance to the Hideaway Grill at 6746 E. Cave Creek Road. By the time he completed a U-turn to pull over and speak to them, six of the men had fled.

Stein commanded the remaining three to stop and return to Stein’ s
vehicle. The men were standing about eight feet away from a three-foot by three-foot sign that stated “No Trespassing” in both English and Spanish.
Two of the men, after providing photo identification, were found to have no outstanding warrants, Stein warned and admonished them and sent them on their way. (Wonder what they had for Photo ID?)

The third man failed to produce any identification and gave various names when questioned. First he said his name was Jesus Castillo Narie. But, because of his deceptive behavior, Stein called the on-call interpreter.
Through the interpreter, Narie stated his name was Jesus Castillo Castro and his that his date of birth was April 10, 1962.

Castro was then asked, through the interpreter, if he had ever been
arrested or issued a ticket by the police or sheriff. Castro replied,

He was asked again. Again he responded, “Never.”

Upon further investigation, Stein found that Castro had indeed been
arrested before. And, there was an outstanding warrant for his arrest.
Castro was read his Miranda Rights, in Spanish, and then indicated he
would voluntarily answer questions. When asked why he lied about never having been arrested before, Castro responded, “I didn’t think it mattered
... it was a long time ago.” (GET THIS ONE!)

When asked how long, he said, “About a year.” He was asked why he used different dates of birth, 1962 and 1968, the last two times he was arrested and was asked if he was confused about the year in which he was born. Castro said he was not confused about when he was born, but that he lied to the deputy about his birth date when he was arrested last year.

After Stein completed the arrest processing paperwork and the inventory of Castro’s belongings to be held for safekeeping during his incarceration, he asked Castro to sign his name verifying the list of his belongings that were placed in a secured envelope.
(another good one coming)
Stein said he watched in disbelief as Castro signed with yet another name, Jesus Castro Padilla. After checking on that name, Stein found Castro had another outstanding warrant from 1999 stemming from charges of no valid license, no registration, no insurance, improper use of flashing light on vehicle. Castro was cited last year for a variety of offenses, including: No driver’s license, no insurance, knowingly displaying fictitious license plate, no registration and consuming liquor in vehicle.

And, if Castro is really also Jesus Padilla-Lopez or Jesus Lopez-Padilla or Jesus Francisco Padilla or Jesus Francisco Padilla-Lopez, all with the same date of birth of 4/10/68, he may possibly have a host of other charges on his record, such as Green Valley Justice Court in 1998 for shoplifting, possession of drug paraphernalia, failure to appear; Tucson City Court in 1999 for no insurance, expired registration, no brake lights; Nogales Municipal Court on several occasions in 1999 for shoplifting, false report of fire/bomb/emergency, criminal trespass and failure to appear; and in Cochise County Superior Court for marijuana
possession for sale.
Nobody can be this screwed up. If so, do everyone including himself a favor and put a bullet in him, if it really is a him. Sounds like something the taliban would try.
It looks like he got what he wanted then. He will have the jail roof over his head, and some cuddly cell mates to keep him warm. Exactly what the stinky little fugger deserves.
I've seen illegals walking at night, and its 100 miles from Mexico. I've heard Mexico has no id, like we do. They can be repeat offenders and can't be ided because of it. Some are recognized coming back in illegally many times in one day, I've heard that too. Its a problem, but I don't think you can shoot them for it. I've had them take water and food from hunting camp, that's it, except they broke a window to get it. One guy, near where that happened to me, had a Mexican wife. They had a sign out in Spanish, they could take water, just don't hurt anything. He's found them cutting his grass for him in appreciation of the food and water. Last year one came through our hunting camp about 30 miles north a Mexico walking. He told some others there, I wasn't there, he was headed to Ozona, about 70 miles farther north. He knew the name of a man he was looking for work with up there. Amazing stuff.

Somebody suggested we not give a baby born here, US citizenship, unless its parents are. If the baby is a US citizen just for being born here, it gets all kinds of medical and welfare benefits. That seems like it would help stop women coming here illegally to have their babies, if they were not automatically US citizens when born here, but some babies and probably mothers will die to implement that idea, I bet.
It makes me sick that a guy that pays taxes his whole life loses his job and cant get meds for free, or get compensation if he gets injured and cant work but the assholes on congress think a beaner can walk adross the border and live off what the taxpayer cant get. Why do we pay the national Guard to jerk off on weekends doing nothing most of the time when they can be doing patrols down on the border, and building fences and shooting towers. Dont the liberal get it? the next terrorist attackers will smuggle weapons of mass destruction over the border too. The govt of mexico is so corrupt that they could get caught there importing bio weapons and still buy off the mexican police to go free.
I think Few is blunt to the point, but i have to agree, dont give them a damn thing until they paid thier share of taxes here to help out the good old USA. We need to stop being the welfare to the world and close up shop to losers.
I am extra blunt and to the point because I am so sick of people defending them. It seems like everyone wants to make excuses for them, even my frikken wife feels sorry for them. When I see them standing around talking spanish and crap I usually yell something like "La Migra La Migra" to send them running in circles. I get a laugh out of it, my wife says I am mean. It seems like if people would just pull their head out of their asses and look at some facts they would see why it is such a problem. Go look around in some poor neighborhoods and see bow many Americans are living in poverty while we are taking care of illegal aliens. Last December I was trying some archery yote hunting on a piece of state trust land that is right on the northern outskirts of the city. I stubmled on to a camp that had 2 tents, a bicycle and a little christmas tree set up. I was curious so I looked around and I could tell people were living there. There was kids clothes and food supplies in the tent. I was in the same area a few weeks later and saw them at the camp just in time to see the dad leaving on his bicycle in his gas station outfit. The kids probably 5-7 were sitting in the tent waving to him and it looked to me like the mother was getting them ready for school. There is a school bus stop about a half mile down the road... I do not know their story but it was quite depressing to see those kids and all. And I can not even imagine what the parents were going through. I do not like the idea of taking care of anyone but we should worry about our own people instead of catering to immigrants that have no repect for our country and never pay a dime in taxes. JMO of course
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