NEW SITKA Ambient 75

The Wonder of it All

snake river rufus

New member
Jun 7, 2001
Haysville Ks
IF you are a space buff, you need to see this one when it's released. It is a documentry of seven (of nine living) men that walked on the moon. This movie is only the astronauts words, no narrator. Their answers are complete enough that the editor was able to edit the questions out.
I'm forgetting which astronaut is was (perhaps Buz Aldrin?), anyway he was being harrassed by an 'moonlanding denier' (you know, that bunch of loons who say all the Apollo missions were staged on a Hollywood movie set and that the whole thing never happened).
He let the guy mouth off for exactly 5 seconds -and dropped him like a bag of dirt! My kind of guy.
Hopefully that little exchange is in this particular documentry too.
I'm forgetting which astronaut is was (perhaps Buz Aldrin?), anyway he was being harrassed by an 'moonlanding denier' (you know, that bunch of loons who say all the Apollo missions were staged on a Hollywood movie set and that the whole thing never happened).
He let the guy mouth off for exactly 5 seconds -and dropped him like a bag of dirt! My kind of guy.
Hopefully that little exchange is in this particular documentry too.

It was a spry 72 year old Buzz Aldren that nailed bart siebrel. siebrel has used phoney credentials to stage 'interviews' with several moonwalkers over the years, rumor has it that Edgar Mitchell (apollo 14) booted (literally)siebrel out of his home after siebrel started his "you're going to hell for lying" tirade.