PEAX Equipment

The Trenches

You just showed your young age!

"and laid em out Aaron Rodgers taking a dirty sack from Ndamukong Suh"

or going further back

"and laid em out Brett Favre taking a dirty sack from Warren Sapp"

or for the old timers on HT

"and laid em out Johnny Unitas taking a dirty sack from Mean Joe Green"

and i wouldn't even know about that sack really if it wasn't for my social media constantly pushing it to me in some sort of meme form!

oops, does that show me as even younger?
and i wouldn't even know about that sack really if it wasn't for my social media constantly pushing it to me in some sort of meme form!

oops, does that show me as even younger?
yes...unfortunately it does. Clearly a social media kid and the root of all the world's problems! Haha I kid...sorta
not quite. but one evening as i went to go grab some milk from the fridge to refill his cup i didn't realize he quietly followed me over there and i whipped open the fridge door straight into his forehead and laid em out aaron rodgers taking a dirty sack from jordan phillips.

the world just doesn't prepare you for how often shit like that is going to happen - the fact that 90% of the time it's a parent who is at fault for the oopsies lol. the pediatricians response to the first of such stories was simply "yep, that'll be the first of many"

Our little one has had a fridge door to the face a few times. Usually from one of my other kids opening the fridge and she follows.

You might get lucky though, one head impact and you could end up with a genius.
the trenches slowly get pretty cozy, even fun, once you realize this is where you live forever now.
Yep, I remember for the first year I felt like my world had fallen apart. We waited a long time to have kids, I was 35, and we had good careers with expendable income and the time to do whatever we wanted. That all slams shut the day your first child is born. You're forever a dad after that, it never goes away. I told a friend that if I listed my five favorite parts of my life prior to having a kid, I had lost every single one of them. Looking back, I honestly think I went into a slight depression for awhile.

Eventually you kind of settle in to your new reality and being a dad becomes the biggest part of your life, I think it's the most important job any of us will ever have. The duty I feel to properly raise another human being and be a good influence and model for her future relationships is so humbling. She will likely look for a spouse that is similar to what she grew up with at home, and I so much want that person to be a good husband and father.

Now my little girl is my little friend and I do things with her because she's freaking hilarious and awesome to be around. You're in for so many good times ahead. Enjoy! It just keeps getting better!
Looking back, I honestly think I went into a slight depression for awhile.

i think most people do. i've described it as a period of mourning one's self. even when one knows full well how much everything will change. it's just another one of those things, you just don't actually know, until you know.
I agree but all of us parents with 2 or more kids are laughing right now.

I remember looking back and reminiscing about how incredibly easy one was. Two is four times harder... at least.

yeah but it's a game of relativity.

it all get's harder with more, but i think zero to one will remain as the greatest magnitude and most shocking alteration to your life of all of them... simply because you started at 0. nothing can prepare you or really educate you on much different life actually is at zero, until it's not anymore and that's why it's the greatest magnitude change.

in other words, 1 is like a 100 times harder than zero. it's the biggest shock and the biggest toss into a the deep end of new things you have to figure out as a person and spouse.

but of course to your point, suit up, cause it's only just begun.
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yeah but it's a game of relativity.

it all get's harder with more, but i think zero to one will remain as the greatest magnitude and most shocking alteration to your life of all of them... simply because you started at 0. nothing can prepare you or really educate you on much different life actually is at zero, until it's not anymore and that's why it's the greatest magnitude change.

in other words, 1 is like a 100 times harder than zero. it's the biggest shock and the biggest toss into a the deep end of new things you have to figure out as a person and spouse.

but of course to your point, suit up, cause it's only just begun.
true. There is no greater jump than 0 to 1.

But you figure 1 out pretty fast and realize, honestly, it ain't that hard, besides you have a teammate to help, help think things through, help hand you things, help cleanup, just help. You get to the point where you each get some personal time again pretty quick. i.e. I'll take care of the little one while you go for a run, or yoga, or drinking, or hunting.

But from 2 on, it was more, I know how to do this, but I can't, there's simply not enough eyes, hands, or time. WTF am I supposed to do? And individual free time? None existent for a much longer period of time, unless you have incredible helpful family nearby, then you skip to the front of the line and it's probably not that much harder.
But with two you can at least still play man to man defense. Three you’re now playing zone. I stopped at two.
But only if you're both there. With both of us working, often late, it was mostly 2 on 1. With one setting up the diversion while the other broke shit, and me swearing up a storm.
But only if you're both there. With both of us working, often late, it was mostly 2 on 1. With one setting up the diversion while the other broke shit, and me swearing up a storm.
Yup. Sounds all too familiar.