Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Trenches

I was being humorous but in all honesty my wife chose that route. Her exact words to the doctor were, "I never want to be pregnant again. Make that happen" So, 4 hrs after given birth to our son, they wheeled her in to have $800 plastic alligator clips installed on her tubes (I went through the invoice the hospital sent).

So here I am shooting live rounds into a the Great Chelan County Deer Desert...
Ha. After our third I was scheduled for the snip. Turned into a c section on a 10.5 lb baby and while inside the doc asked my wife if she wanted tied. I have never heard a stronger yes. Lol.
Congratulations on the baby and thank you for the motivation to stop procrastinating on making that vasectomy appointment.
I got my vasectomy last week. My appointment was at 11:15am... I walked in the front door at 11:11am, I was done and back in the truck at 11:42am.

That 31 minutes included paying the girl at the front desk, signing two consent forms, putting on some sexy black briefs, the actual surgery, a little chat with the urologist about hunting this year, and him giving me a follow-up kit with pre-paid postage to send back in 12 weeks for the final 'All Clear' test.

He does the "no needle, no scalpel" surgery so there was virtually no pain ever and no need for a follow-up appointment for removal of stitches. We stopped for pizza on the way home and then I watched football that night. I was lazy the next day and only went for a short walk, other than that I just stayed at home; that was the extent of my recovery. I went shooting the next day and resumed running on Day 6. I took a Tylenol the first night, but that was it for pain management.

It's definitely not worth worrying about if it's something you want do you.
here's something interesting:

using six days for an average pre and post baby, i've lost 5.06 lbs since he was born.
Lot's of good advice in this thread. Shocking just how much a child changes your life. Since my 13 month old daughter started actually sleeping through the night, I'm happy to wake up in the middle of the night when she is sick and cuddle her back to sleep. Precious moments that wont be around for long.
get ready @wllm

the baby came early two weeks ago. perfectly healthy and happy. these first two weeks have been just as hellish as people make it seem. except for the fact that nobody really ever levels with you and let's you know how brutal it really is.... so, actually, it's been worse than they make it seem. when you really ask them to level with you they finally look off thinking for a few seconds and say "honestly i can't even remember"

i'm back at work today, from home, so really not back.

it turned into an urgent c section, not quite emergency, but definitely urgent. nobody ever really levels with you on how brutal those are for the woman too. and frankly, how brutal for the man (i'm not trying to say it's worse for the man, calm down). i was functionally the only adult in the house for like 5-6 days. a bedridden wife who can't use the stairs or get out of bed without help, a newborn, and a dog.

slowly climbing out of the trenches, wife is turning the corner fast. having grandmothers within spitting distance is a life saver. crazy stuff. great, crazy stuff.

wife is planning to let me hit up my wyoming cow tag for a weekend here in a couple weeks, will go back and really focus on that in december. will be out for 3rd season with a cow tag, bull tag, doe tag, and buck tag. kinda had to put all the eggs in one basket with the reduced hunting time. she's amazing.

holy shit i'm tired.
Welcome to fatherhood.
I’m learning some important lessons on how to set expectations and how to be crystal clear with one’s spouse on how much extra time is involved with processing an animal after you get back from hunting when discussing time away for hunting when you have an 8 week old.

I mean, this is my 8th animal processed while married so shouldn’t be any surprises on the time required. Everything is different with a baby tho

Communications is key, as always.

Too bad the processor down the road is full up.
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I’m learning some important lessons on how to set expectations and how to be crystal clear with one’s spouse on how much extra time is involved with processing an animal after you get back from hunting when discussing time away for hunting when you have an 8 week old.

I mean, this is my 8th animal processed while married so shouldn’t be any surprises on the time required. Everything is different with a baby tho

Communications is key, as always.

Too bad the processor down the road is full up.
Dude... F- Denver processors

It's a freaking junk show, every season same thing 5280, Meat Cleaver, etc are turning away folks cause they are slammed. :rolleyes:

HIRE MORE STAFF, they all just throw money away... you know you're going to have 3x the customers you can handle, make some coin. Heard Cleaver is so busy they cut all the "fancy" stuff from the menu, just grind and cuts that's it.

Feel your pain.

My wife is pretty understanding about the fridge looking like a episode of dexter a couple times a year. Good luck.
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Dude... F- Denver processors

What it's a freaking junk show, every season same think 5280, Meat Cleaver, etc are turning away folks cause they are slammed. :rolleyes:

Feel your pain.

My wife is pretty understanding about the fridge looking like a episode of dexter a couple times a year. Good luck.

Literally the worst. I used Steve’s once… never again, ever ever again. I used Merrill’s in Carbon county wyoming once and they were alright.

Maybe it’s a fluke, but I’ve used a processor twice, maybe 3 times I can’t remember, and those are the only animals I’ve ever shot that tasted weird. Living on the front range will turn you into a competent diy processor real fast.

My wife is okay with it too. But there is some fresh post partum anxiety around baby health still so she’s much more sensitive to anything being done in the kitchen. Minus some quick rinsing in the sink here and there to clean pieces, it’s a full blown garage in the cold process. Also quite nice to have our current weather for some makeshift meat-hanging on the step ladder.

I thoroughly love and admittedly also loathe this part of hunting. Trying to do all this with limited time this week and a baby is making it lean heavy on the loathe side tho.

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Literally the worst. I used Steve’s once… never again, ever ever again. I used Merrill’s in Carbon county wyoming once and they were alright.

Maybe it’s a fluke, but I’ve used a processor twice, maybe 3 times I can’t remember, and those are the only animals I’ve ever shot that tasted weird. Living on the front range will turn you into a competent diy processor real fast.

My wife is okay with it too. But there is some fresh post partum anxiety around baby health still so she’s much more sensitive to anything being done in the kitchen. Minus some quick rinsing in the sink here and there to clean pieces, it’s a full blown garage in the cold process. Also quite nice to have our current weather for some makeshift meat-hanging on the step ladder.

I thoroughly love and admittedly also loathe this part of hunting. Trying to do all this with limited time this week and a baby is making it lean heavy on the loathe side tho.

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I took my grind piles to the Cleaver occasionally, everything else Hotchkiss meats. I’m sure there some other western slope process that are decent as well. Definitely understand going to WY.

I’ve never had anyone in CO that was as good as the Bozeman processors, even like Yellowstone meats was noticeably better, and they weren’t even close to the best. There was this guy in big timber that made killer sausages…

I cut and wrapped 2 caribou in AK this fall, we had 3 guys did them each in a couple hours. Super enjoyable, cutting and wrapping solo sucks.

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