Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

the spawn



We'll the bass should be spawning soon. I have never fished for bass on beds and or while spawning(boat was always broke this time of the year). How do you guys do it? what works best for you?

I like it best during the pre spawn,when the males are close to shore in about 2' of water fanning beds,they get hungry and angry when any critter tries to invade there space.My favorite lure to use a medium to small black and silver Rapala.I love fishing for bass with ultra light tackle.Then I will use a small Rapala or a 4'' worm with no weight.I use 6lb mono and that is perfect for the males makeing beds.The 4'' worm also works great when fishing is slow.
thanks for the info you guys, I wasnt sure how to catch them, I heard that they dont bite when on bed and I heard they do. Like I said this will be new to me

Delw , like shane said during prespawn is great fishing the smaller bucks wont let anything near the beds, small plastics are killers if presented correctly! when it gets closer to spawning try small plastic crawfish imitations, big females hate them with a passion and will tear them up! ive had females pick-up my worms by the tail and move them off the beds! never comitting to the bait but, crawfish will get the strike!! at least for me anyway!

do you guys have crawfish ??? they are number one predator of a bass bed here! they rob the roe as fast as its deposited !

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
Dko thank you. yes we have lots of crayfish here. I will have to try it. should be spawning in the next few weeks. the weather is getting really warm and so is the water temp.
