The Kid is getting on my Nerves!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Travo is really getting on my nerves these days. I work and he kills Deer, nice deer, I tell ya it really get to ya after awhile.
Like yesterday, I was hard at work and he stops by my office from his and says he is going up to the deer lease...Ok, I'll stay here and work. Have Fun!
Well, he calls to say the Deer really seem to be tearing up the Lease, tracks everywhere. I told him to climb up in the old green stand. The Green stand is an old stand we have taken some really nice bucks out of and I used to take a blanket and a small pillow in a 5 gallon bucket, when he got tired, he slept.
He said he had been in the stand for about 20 minutes using a Can Call off and on when he saw a Buck emerge from across a Lease Well road. He dropped it in the middle of the road. I don't have any Field pictures as he was alone, but I took a couple of the Old 9 point hanging in my shop. John:D

OK, I am a total goober when it comes to posting photos!!!!!!!!!!!!:BLEEP:
Is this your handsome kid John? Nice buck....w/character.

There is a Game Camera picture of a 12 with double drops running around and it has Travo all upset...I think I saw him peeing on his ankles! John;)
There is a Game Camera picture of a 12 with double drops running around and it has Travo all upset...I think I saw him peeing on his ankles! John;)

John, who was doing the peeing? the 12 pointer, or your son?

congrats on the buck Travo. nice brown antlers on him.
Travo is kicking the old mans ass!
congrats on another nice buck.
Well John , You'll have that. My son is the same way. I get from him "Don't shot that buck he's mine" to you not hunting that stand.

Hey anytime our son's can take a nice buck is great.

Congrad;s to your boy.

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