Caribou Gear Tarp

The housing shortage and public lands

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20812
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2000 years, or even 15,000, is hardly even a fraction of a second on the evolutionary timescale.

this city stuff will have to play out for another 500,000 years to see if we actually evolve to live in them.

i'm guessing our modern inventions will wipe us extinct before we can find out though.

You're irrelevant.

The point is: Homo Sapiens have been clan/community driven species since it was first brought onto the scene over 200,000 years ago. First in the form of tribes & communal living to protect against other tribes & animals, then for commerce, etc.

If we follow that track, it's clear that the entire earth will be like the Borg's alternate reality, and not the Postman's alternate reality.

But this is all generic, and the more I think about it, the less either of us are correct, and the more I think this is really about proving to @Oak that we don't have much going on at the moment.
You're irrelevant.
The point is: Homo Sapiens have been clan/community driven species since it was first brought onto the scene over 200,000 years ago. First in the form of tribes & communal living to protect against other tribes & animals, then for commerce, etc.

this is where we agree. cities are the exact culmination of our evolutionary tendencies. we disagree in that new york city is what our brains are inherently wired for.

we know looking at phones, instagram, and other social media is bad for our brains, bad for our sleep, bad for our mental state's of mind. yet, using instagram and social media is also a product of our evolutionary tendencies to be liked, loved, and known, yet it's harming us and i would argue is evolutionarily inconsistent with how our brains are wired. this stuff happened too fast for our brains and bodies to adapt. i lump large, loud, bright, smelly cities right in there with phone and social media. too recent, too new, too different from the last 2 million years to be what our bodies and brains are wired for.

i personally think we will find though, that once we actually evolve to live in cities, evolve to stare at the unnatural lights of computers, phones, and LED homes, it will actually look more like devolution rather than evolution. for now, i believe, our bodies are still hardwired for nature, running, and living in small camps, evolution will change that over the next hundreds of thousand of years though.

But this is all generic, and the more I think about it, the less either of us are correct, and the more I think this is really about proving to @Oak that we don't have much going on at the moment.

no, we disagree again, for me it's about bragging to @Oak that i have nothing to do at work right now

i must tap out. per my earlier comment, this disagreement with you is killing me inside more than you know. we must make peace over Truly, Copenhagen, and hot wings.
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this is where we agree. cities are the exact culmination of our evolutionary tendencies. we disagree in that new york city is what our brains are inherently wired for.

we know looking at phones, instagram, and other social media is bad for our brains, bad for our sleep, bad for our mental state's of mind. yet, using instagram and social media is also a product of our evolutionary tendencies to be liked, loved, and known, yet it's harming us and i would argue is evolutionarily inconsistent with how our brains are wired. this stuff happened too fast for our brains and bodies to adapt. i lump large, loud, bright, smelly cities right in there with phone and social media. too recent, too new, too different from the last 2 million years to be what our bodies and brains are wired for.

i personally think we will find though, that once we actually evolve to live in cities, evolve to stare at the unnatural lights of computers, phones, and LED homes, it will actually look more like devolution rather than evolution. for now, i believe, our bodies are still hardwired for nature, running, and living in small camps, evolution will change that over the next hundreds of thousand of years though.

no, we disagree again, for me it's about bragging to @Oak that i have nothing to do at work right now

i must tap out. per my earlier comment, this disagreement with you is killing me inside more than you know. we must make peace over Truly, Copenhagen, and hot wings.
i personally think we will find though, that once we actually evolve to live in cities, evolve to stare at the unnatural lights of computers, phones, and LED homes, it will actually look more like devolution rather than evolution. for now, i believe, our bodies are still hardwired for nature, running, and living in small camps, evolution will change that over the next hundreds of thousand of years though...
Disney stole your idea ha.

Is this a good time to introduce the idea of exploring the option of introducing White Spikes in very specific areas of the US?

Some important questions about how to keep them contained and how to keep them from reproducing too rapidly need to be addressed. @wllm1313 and @MTGomer can you please look into this and prepare a concept of idea report for the Committee?

It could be a real boost to the firearms industry…
Gerald acts more like a future Governor every day!

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