The chase for a Montana Bull Elk - [HD video]


New member
Jan 7, 2012
I figured with everyone starting to think about September I'd post up a video of my brothers 2011 elk season. Follow along as Travis worked hard during the archery season to arrow a bull on film. It was our second year bowhunting elk and we hit it hard all year. Travis had multiple chances with the bow but was troubled by some bow malfunctions during the moment of truth. He finally sealed the deal with the rifle during a cold fall day. 100% public land DIY. Enjoy!
good job on the video guys it was good entertainment.. well done. But I do have a question.. are game cams legal in Montana Aug 27th. They are illegal when a big-game season is open and Montana Antelope season opens Aug 15th. I am pretty sure there aren;t many if any antelope where you had the game cams set and maybe that is the difference. lets hope so. Anybody else know >???
Motion-Tracking Devices and/or Camera Devices

It is illegal for a person to possess or use in the field any electronic or camera
device whose purpose is to scout the location of game animals or relay the
information on a game animal’s location or movement during any Commission adopted
hunting season.
I'd guess that about sums it up,, once again it proves you really have to know what you are doing b4 you do something,
I'm constantly amazed at the videos and pictures you see on the internet. So many employers scan facebook, twitter, youtube and other sites checking on thier employees. Parents, schools, colleges, the military, police departments, etc do it too. It's just a matter of time before FWP does it too, if they don't already (my bet is that they do). People really need to be more aware of the laws and regulations...especially if they are making videos. It's kind of like thiefs robbing a house, video taping it, and then posting it for everyone to see.
Actually I've talked to a warden about this. If you have a game cameras up that target elk and elk only (such as in a mountainous area where you wouldn't find antelope, which is exactly where we had ours) it is 100% legal to have them up. Now if you had one up in let's say the Breaks where it's feasible that elk and antelope could be sharing watering holes then yes that would be illegal. Boy you guys love to jump in with the rule book at any chance.
Yeah, the warden captain here told me they aren't holding us here in R1 to the Aug 15th, for obvious reasons. Gotta have em out of the woods by bow season though.
MTWild - thanks for posting the video. I liked the footage/commentary. It's real DIY on public land and I have an appreciation for that type of hunting.
Well if you are comfortable with skirting around the law on just one guys interpetation be my guest. it is not 100% legal albeit I think it should be. If we were to place some cams along the milk river looking at whitetails, at that same time frame we would be in violation according to our wardens, and there aren't any antelope along the milk,
Well I guess the law should be written more clearly if it's apparent that different wardens are upholding the law differently. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with having them up to scout an animal that there is no open season for. Apparently the wardens I've talked to in Region 2 feel the same way.

Anyways I posted the video to share my brother's experiences with some elk from last season to hopefully get a few guys fired up to get back out come September. People just always have to crowd around any negatives they can find it seems.
Enjoyed the video a lot. Thanks for sharing. Really takes me back to my days in college when I would drag anyone willing to go along with me into the elk woods. Would of had a few good blooper reals of our own if we would of hade the cameras.

Loved it!
I enjoyed the video, thanks for posting. I love watching DIY hunting. Keep it up, and look forward to the next one. Don't let the hecklers get you down, I'm sure your video is appealing to a lot more then not. Love the bloopers, a true tribute to some of the goofy stuff we all do in the field...that never gets talked about.
This camera thing is has some merritt. I'd like to see them narrow it down to camera's that rely real time images to phones or computers. Just going in and checking a camera should be alright, your going in there makes no difference.

Keep filming guys, you'll get better.
I appreciate the videos and their candidness. If some want to point out laws or rules broken use it as a "teachable moment". In this case, maybe the law needs to be clarified because it is confusing to some with conflicting reports from authorities.

Keep at it, I wish I would have taken the time to hunt more when I was in school and had the time. It only gets tougher from here trying to balance work, home, family, budget etc. etc. Live it up and share your experiences. I use to snowboard 120+ days a year, now I haven't strapped-in in over two years. Time goes by fast, and hunt when you can.

I'm looking forward to my first Montana hunt this fall. I'll have my video camera in tow and hope to catch a lot of moments along the way.
I enjoyed the video and my main concern is to keep you hunting, depending on how a warden feels from day to day it could mean no hunting for 3 years. And I agree 100% the law is flawed and should be reworked. BUT as it is now your hunting privileges are depending how a particular warden feels from day to day, I wouldn't depend on that if I were you.
I enjoyed the video and my main concern is to keep you hunting, depending on how a warden feels from day to day it could mean no hunting for 3 years. And I agree 100% the law is flawed and should be reworked. BUT as it is now your hunting privileges are depending how a particular warden feels from day to day, I wouldn't depend on that if I were you.

I appreciate that and I sure wouldn't want to stop hunting anytime soon. I'll just be sure to contact the local warden this year if I plan on having cams up in the mountains that time of year and making sure everyone is on the same page.
Montana Wild.

IMO,poorly written law. I wasn't trying to come off negatively, just copy/pasted the current reg. I hope to see more of your vids in the future.
I agree, very poorly written law.

I don't even think they should be illegal during season for cripes sakes as long as they are not ones that relay images to a phone or something.................

MT Wild, I don't think you should jump to the conclusion that people were being negative toward you, just simply pointing out a fact.

Keep up the video work..................and more importantly, you should try sending your arrows out the front of the bow instead of down below the bow, you will kill far more animals that way:D;) LMAO. I can laugh, been there done that........
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