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The 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, and Mass Murder

1. no ban on any current firearms/magazines, including AR15s.

2. Nobody.

3. No they shouldnt inventory or control civilian arms other than to keep convicted felons and mentally unstable folks from possessing them.

I agree with Buzz except that I find that AR15's are a very useful tool.
"Hello, where is the NRA on these things? They are saying banning high capacity magazines is a slippery slope to fascism. Wake up, the NRA is just fear mongering to bring in money."

Why don't you read what the NRA was set up to do many moons ago and not state stuff that they have nothing to do with!!! Some of you guys are already saying they have stepped over the line when they got into habitat related stuff and now you've made a list of all kinds of stuff blaming them for not getting involved, LOL!
Topgun - it was more of an observation of the NRA's followers so caught up in losing their rights because of the NRA fear mongering that they would vote for a "pro-gun" guy who would in turn vote for something that erodes our 4th amendment rights.
Sorry Slick - I did not make your point. In Mexico people with guns are killing rivals (and even police) who also have guns so both sides have guns. It is also believed that most of those guns are coming from the U.S.

Rob, you're full of malarkey, the numbers of innocents and unarmed people killed in Mexico is staggering and depressing. In Mexico, those with guns terrorize the rest of the citizenry without. Most of the guns not used by police and military have most likely come from the US, but that only strengthens the argument that bad guys will find a way to get guns.
Thanks, Greenhorn. That is an excellent article and analysis of the issue. It is the kind of information, questions, and rhetoric which should be coming from the NRA, instead of the bull-headed, poorly articulated speech offered by Wayne LaPierre.
1. No
2. The Government
3. Yes

Background checks are a form of legislated control, and I think they should go further. When people say "nobody" to #2, should it be legal to own grenades, missiles, nuclear weapons? I think we do need better control over the types of weapons that are in the hands of civilians. I understand that any kind of registry opens the door to confiscation, but I also think we need to get a better handle on straw purchases and the secondary gun market (I don't know how you do it though).
Needed Vs Not needed

I'm not sure why it always goes back to someone saying that there is no need for an AR-15 or high capacity mags. Do we really want to go down the list of every day items that we all use that are not really needed? Unfortunatly you can not legislate the crazy out of people, its just a sad fact. The amount of ammo I can put down range with a pistol and ten round mags is not that much less than with an AR-15. If by getting rid of all "assualt" rifles and high capacity mags would end all gun crimes then I dont no a law abiding sole that wouldnt, but thats not realistic. HOW MANY LAW ABIDING CITIZENS HAVE BEEN GUILTY OF A GUN RELATED CRIME?
1. no ban on any current firearms/magazines, including AR15s. Although I find the reasons for owning an AR15 type firearm ridiculous and nobody is going to change my mind about that. A boat anchor is much more useful.

2. Nobody.

3. No they shouldnt inventory or control civilian arms other than to keep convicted felons and mentally unstable folks from possessing them.

Buzz prettty much echoes my sentiment. I'll expand on the bolded part....

I find the reasons for owning a Hot Rod car ridiculous
I find the reasons for owning a $30,000 cutting horse ridiculous
I find the reasons for owning a Dust ruffle on a bed ridiculous
ya get my point?
Rob, both the FBI, and the Federales, have proven that most of the illegal guns in Mexico actually come through their Southern Borders, and NOT from the US. F&F was planned to stir emotion and present false evidence based on Federal employees breaking the law. As for straw purchases, I'm sure there are some, but I'd be willing to bet the numbers are much lower than the antis would have us believe. Besides, why is it any of our business if the Mexicans are killing each other off? As long as they keep their activities in Mexico, let 'em. If they decide to step it up and cross our borders, then let the border patrol have more power to shoot to kill. Also, someone mentioned something about murders being committed with actual assault weapons. I believe Al Capone owned and ran Chicago the last time a true assault weapon was used to commit a massacre, and that was on Valentine's Day. Since automatic weapons are already regulated, wouldn't an "assault weapon" ban be redundant?

And to Jose, I don't believe our military would try to enforce any type of gun confiscation ( it will be UN troops called in by your buddy); but if they did try, I would take out as many as possible before they succeed in killing me with their true Assault Weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that comment has been duly annotated and logged by "Big Brother" and the internet police!!!!!!!!!!
And to Jose, I don't believe our military would try to enforce any type of gun confiscation ( it will be UN troops called in by your buddy);

Yep. All the military guys I know would stand with American citizens, not the government.
1. no ban on any current firearms/magazines, including AR15s. Although I find the reasons for owning an AR15 type firearm ridiculous and nobody is going to change my mind about that. A boat anchor is much more useful.

2. Nobody.

3. No they shouldnt inventory or control civilian arms other than to keep convicted felons and mentally unstable folks from possessing them.

Well said Buzz.

Also, I would like to see a perpetual and current counter such as the one they use to keep track of our rising national debt, one that keeps a running death toll on the number of people that have been murdered by the 1400+ assault weapons that the ATFE let cross into Mexico unfettered to the drug cartels through the "Fast and Furious" debacle. A running death toll of both American and Mexican citizens that will increase for decades to come. It could be monitored weekly be all news organizations that have a conscience.
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