Texas Axis buck


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
With a freezer still full of Oryx I met up with an old friend at his property in central Texas. We weren't sure what exactly we'd find in the way of Axis deer, which are an exotic species in Texas and accordingly, can be hunted year round. In fact, the summer time is the best time of year to find them hard horned. Unfortunately, summertime in central Texas can be as sweaty as a cabin full of Wyoming cowboys in the wintertime.

Having never hunted Axis deer I didn't quite know what to expect. They are beautiful animals. There were a few corn flingers and protein stands around but I didn't see a single deer at them. Of course it was also 100 degrees and humid during the day so all activity was either early or late.

I found a little bachelor group of bucks Friday evening at a little over a hundred yards. They were moving in and out of cover and luckily gave me enough time to pick out the one that looked the biggest. I was pleasantly surprised to see how much antler he had on his head when I came up to him and again, marveled at how pretty these deer are. Horns were 33.5" in length. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good camera with me and only took some hurried cell phone pics after getting him back to the house. I have never been more sweaty and covered in bugs while caping and quartering an animal. Luckily we had plenty of ice on hand to get things cooled off in good time. They're supposed to be excellent table fare, so I can't wait to grill some up, but the oryx I've already got on hand is going to be tough to beat.

Axis Buck low qual.jpg
Super! I really want one of those. Congrats on getting a very good 'un! I hear few critters can keep up with axis as table fare.
Thanks guys! I contemplated a euro for a bit because I think the antler to skull size ratio would be pretty sweet looking on the wall. But in the end I decided on a wall pedestal to do him justice. I'm going to need to sell a kidney to cover this year's taxidermy bill though.
...definitely the way to go, it'll make an impressive pedestal mount. Dry ice me a steak.;)
That is a neat looking animal. That is on my to do list. I don't care how many MT boys think it isn't hunting. :)
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