Testing the new camera


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
I recently picked up an Olympus Evolt 300 digital slr camera and I'm checking it out as well as learning what its capable of doing. Just playing around with the different contrasts. I picked up the 2 cd training discs for it and do I have a lot to learn. I only need a couple more lenses to go with it and I think I'm set. View from the top and the bottom of the river bottom hills.




thanks for posting those shots powder. Love that alberta country! I'm up there a lot. Where's all the sheds? they are dropping like rocks now!
Cameron Hunt I paid $356 US about $410 CDN off of ebay. It took a couple months watching and bidding before I got this purchase. It came with a 14-45mm lense and 1GB memory card. I'm watching for a 40-150mm lense and just got a 3x converter for my setup. I am by no means a book of knowledge on these things, but I'm learning daily and figure I'm out with the kids and dog daily I may as well back a camera. Several years ago I started to get involved in taking pictues with a 35mm slr which was also an Olympus and have several telephoto lenses to go with that outfit. I can, with an adapter, use all my old 35mm lenses with the new digital.
I will keep and eye out for it. I saw an Olympus at comp usa last week for 250 not sure what model, but it was a larger frame nice camera. I think the off sale price was around 400. so about half the price.. I didnt have it at the time so I passed. I have seen many pics from ppl with Olympus camera's and they tend to shoot well. Thank you again ! ( no need for the last name, Cameron is fine. Thanks.)
Cameron the main reason I went to this level of camera was all of the auto focus features. Last year I took a trip up to the high country with a friend of mine. It ended up being a short over nighter due to a food reaction my friend had. I had my 35mm along with me and shot quite a few rolls of film along the way. Not thinking I left my, new to me, glasses in the truck. I only need them for arms length vision. When I got all my film back the bulk of it was out of focus because I was focusing to my eye.
Nice looking pics, I have to say the first one is my fave. I'm thinking of upgrading from my current digital (Nikon 5400) to a digital SLR just for the increased ability to take better wildlife shots. Nice looking country as well.
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