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Terrorist attacks, a worrying new trend?

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
Hi All,
I posted on the Boston thread but perhaps it wasn't read by everyone.
For those of you who might not be aware there was a horrendous attack in London last week, an off duty soldier was targeted by 2 muslim terrorists, they drove their car into him and then beheaded him, all in front of the public and outside a junior school, they then asked everyone to film them ranting on and finally tried to commit suicide by cop by running at the police, it appears a woman police officer took them both down, but only wounded them, so they have questioned them and more arrests have been made.
Then yesterday in France an off duty soldier was stabbed in the neck by a muslim who ran off, thankfully he was ok.
Not surprisingly the incidents of attacks on muslims in the UK has gone right up, from one group reporting 6 attacks a day to over 150 in a single day, the sad fact is not all muslims are bad.
So I just hope this isn't a new tactic where the soldier isn't safe when he gets home.
The soldier leaves behind a wife and 2 year old child, very sad day.

She Did it Again

I got this in a Email the other day; I like her Attitude.


W O W ! She Did It Again!!!

Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time Julia Gillard has done this!

She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen.

A breath of fresh air to see someone lead. Australian Prime Minister does it again!!

The whole world needs a leader like this!

Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

NOTE: IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , just maybe our Leaders will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know...

Sad day indeed Richard, I think you already know my sentiments on the subject. While in Paris several years ago, my wife, my two sisters and I were crossing the city on the underground. When there we dress as Europeans, no flashy clothes, no Nikes, no baseball caps, no cameras exposed, and we keep a low and quiet profile yet got numerous "hate stares" from obvious northern Africans on the train. I guess it's hard to hide the fact that we're American, yet in some venues it's the sensible thing to do based on who's around.
I don't know what it will take to make people realize that muslims cannot be part of a western society. It is a backward religion of hate and intolerance. Russia has also taken a stance on muslims that don't want to live within the laws of the country. France, Britain, and especially Spain are paying the price for letting these ungrateful cavemen into their countries. In 20 years there are going to be enough muslims in this country to elect a president-we are doomed.
sbhooper, they already have their Muslim in the White House!!!!!!!!! The only solution to the Muslim problem is deportation of all Muslims back to their sand boxes, and then nuclear extermination of the entire culture. If we use neutron bombs, no buildings and structures will be destroyed, and in twenty years, we could go in, and ship the other illegals in our country over there and use them to produce all of the oil we'll ever need!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,
I posted on the Boston thread but perhaps it wasn't read by everyone.
For those of you who might not be aware there was a horrendous attack in London last week, an off duty soldier was targeted by 2 muslim terrorists, they drove their car into him and then beheaded him, all in front of the public and outside a junior school, they then asked everyone to film them ranting on and finally tried to commit suicide by cop by running at the police, it appears a woman police officer took them both down, but only wounded them, so they have questioned them and more arrests have been made.
Then yesterday in France an off duty soldier was stabbed in the neck by a muslim who ran off, thankfully he was ok.
Not surprisingly the incidents of attacks on muslims in the UK has gone right up, from one group reporting 6 attacks a day to over 150 in a single day, the sad fact is not all muslims are bad.
So I just hope this isn't a new tactic where the soldier isn't safe when he gets home.
The soldier leaves behind a wife and 2 year old child, very sad day.


That's like saying not all Pit Bulls are bad.
Toadslayer, in the case of Pit Bulls, not all of them ARE bad. it's the owners and breeders who make them into bad dogs. Muslims, on the other hand are all born with the natural genetic disposition that requires them to be put down!!!!!!!!!!!!
sbhooper, they already have their Muslim in the White House!!!!!!!!! The only solution to the Muslim problem is deportation of all Muslims back to their sand boxes, and then nuclear extermination of the entire culture. If we use neutron bombs, no buildings and structures will be destroyed, and in twenty years, we could go in, and ship the other illegals in our country over there and use them to produce all of the oil we'll ever need!!!!!!!!!!!

You are right. I left out the part about the one in the White House. If you want to find out one more great thing about Muslims, google " muslim child brides". Recently, 45 adult men married girls under 10 years of age in Gaza in a big, fancy ceremony. Worldwide, there are something like 51 million child brides and most are in Muslim. Moslem or however you want to say it, countries.

Muslims have provided NOTHING to the worldwide society except hate, intolerance and terrorism. Past that, the only useful thing that they have ever produced is oil.

If this thread insults some moslems, then bring it on. Political correctness is ruining this country and the truth has got to be told before we are completely ruined. It is time for this country to step up and take care of problems.
Political correctness, that is bringing the UK down.
I read on another forum, 'all Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims'
Political correctness, that is bringing the UK down.
I read on another forum, 'all Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims'

Terrorists come from all religions and races.

Thoughtful first post. Hope the terrorists find a long stay in her Majesties' nastiest prison.
sbhopper and rhomas- on this day of all days, your responses are almost too hard to believe. Your responses should not only insult muslims but should insult all people who have fought and died for the freedoms in this country. On this day of remembrance of the sacrifices made in the name of those freedoms and liberties and the protection of this country, you talk about "exterminating" a culture. We are remembering and honoring a lot of people today (two of whom are my grandpas) who fought a war to stop someone from doing the exact thing you are writing of. I hope that all can have a wonderful Memorial Day and honor the memories of those who have given all of us freedom and liberty.
Matt, it's also a day to remember all who have sacrificed their lives fighting those terrorists who would destroy our nation and the freedoms that we have because of those sacrifices made by previous generations of American military men and women. Muslims would very happily kill everyone of us in an effort to "destroy the infidels" according to their religious beliefs. It's one thing to be a free and tolerant nation, and quite another to open ourselves up to an imported destructive force. The only good Muslim, is a damn dead Muslim, since none of the supposedly "good" ones ever do anything to prevent the others from their terrorist activities! And all Muslims celebrate every loss of freedoms we have endured in order to combat their attacks on our people and our culture. Today, is the perfect day to make people realize that the ONLY way to continue our freedoms which our military fought and died for, is to annihilate the people of this world who would gladly kill each and every one of us in order to impose Sha'ria rule and establish Muslim control.........which is the antithesis of what those who sacrificed their lives for our country believed in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt, it's also a day to remember all who have sacrificed their lives fighting those terrorists who would destroy our nation and the freedoms that we have because of those sacrifices made by previous generations of American military men and women. Muslims would very happily kill everyone of us in an effort to "destroy the infidels" according to their religious beliefs. It's one thing to be a free and tolerant nation, and quite another to open ourselves up to an imported destructive force. The only good Muslim, is a damn dead Muslim, since none of the supposedly "good" ones ever do anything to prevent the others from their terrorist activities! And all Muslims celebrate every loss of freedoms we have endured in order to combat their attacks on our people and our culture. Today, is the perfect day to make people realize that the ONLY way to continue our freedoms which our military fought and died for, is to annihilate the people of this world who would gladly kill each and every one of us in order to impose Sha'ria rule and establish Muslim control.........which is the antithesis of what those who sacrificed their lives for our country believed in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a freaking idiot.

Suggesting mass murder of an entire religion/region makes you no different than extremist muslims.

You realize that, right?
On 9/11, I witnessed how "peaceful" Muslims celebrated by dancing, singing, shooting fireworks and waving their Muslim flags. I believe that we are at war with the Muslims of the world, and as William T. Sherman and the Union Army proved during the War of Northern Aggression; the way to defeat an enemy is through the utter and total destruction of their lands and their population. The Union Army continued this practice, until it exterminated the native Americans, but failed to continue the course after the Indian Wars. It's time we revisited the military strategies of the past in order to deal with the enemies of the present.

The real idiots today, are people who actually believe that we can live peacefully with the Muslims. Their own teachings and religion specifically teach that they must either convert or kill all infidels to Islam. Are you one of the idiots who are willing to accept Sha'riah law, and revert to the stone age? Call me all the names you like, but I'm a realist and a pragmatist. The truth is that we can never win the war on terrorism without exterminating the evil of Islam. We are at war, and ultimately if we are to win that war, there must be no compromise and no qualms about total annihilation of the enemy. It's not murder when it's killing an enemy that would happily kill us!!!!!!!!!!!
On 9/11, I witnessed how "peaceful" Muslims celebrated by dancing, singing, shooting fireworks and waving their Muslim flags. I believe that we are at war with the Muslims of the world, and as William T. Sherman and the Union Army proved during the War of Northern Aggression; the way to defeat an enemy is through the utter and total destruction of their lands and their population. The Union Army continued this practice, until it exterminated the native Americans, but failed to continue the course after the Indian Wars. It's time we revisited the military strategies of the past in order to deal with the enemies of the present.

The real idiots today, are people who actually believe that we can live peacefully with the Muslims. Their own teachings and religion specifically teach that they must either convert or kill all infidels to Islam. Are you one of the idiots who are willing to accept Sha'riah law, and revert to the stone age? Call me all the names you like, but I'm a realist and a pragmatist. The truth is that we can never win the war on terrorism without exterminating the evil of Islam. We are at war, and ultimately if we are to win that war, there must be no compromise and no qualms about total annihilation of the enemy. It's not murder when it's killing an enemy that would happily kill us!!!!!!!!!!!

I stand corrected.

You're a pathetic freaking idiot.
as William T. Sherman and the Union Army proved during the War of Northern Aggression; the way to defeat an enemy is through the utter and total destruction of their lands and their population. The Union Army continued this practice, until it exterminated the native Americans, but failed to continue the course after the Indian Wars. It's time we revisited the military strategies of the past in order to deal with the enemies of the present.

I reread your post, just to make sure I wasn't over reacting.

The quote above, has to be the most, ignorant,close minded thing I've read on this forum.
Looks like Sweden has good reason to revisit it's immigration policy lately.... I wish we would do the same.
Believe what you will. I know that my beliefs are shared by many others both here on this board and on other sites as well. BTW, the history of warfare has proven that you can't be friends with your enemies and the idea of winning the hearts and minds does not work. Don't believe it, ask a Viet Nam Vet!
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