Ted Nugent for Governor


Dec 4, 2003
Tumwater, Washington
My co-worker told me today that he had heard that Ted Nugent decided to run for governor. Anyone else hear this? I have checked his website and he had stated in a few messages that he was considering a run for governor, but I had not heard that he definately is going to run. Any Michigan Hunt Talkers out there have the scoop? I think it would be great if he would run.:cool:
I guess he's considering moving back to Michigan...............

July 11, 2005

Nugent Considering Run for Governor

He's flirted with running for political office before, but now the Corpus Christi Caller Times quotes musician Ted Nugent saying, "I'm getting real close to deciding to run for governor of Michigan and that will be determined here with in the next few weeks."

The Miami Herald quotes Nugent on his potential platform: "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em."

Though Nugent has released many albums over the years, he is most recently the author of Kill It and Grill It.

NUGE for Gov.

He is expected to release his statement anyday now. Whether he will run or not will be known soon. I spend a lot of time over on his bulletin board and he IS considering it.
The latest from Ted

On his BB he wrote "As I approach groundzero for my possible decision to run for MI gov, I would like to hear from the good, productive citizens in the asset column of my beloved homestate as to your feelings on the top priority issues for upgrade!! Hit me!"

He does have a way with words. LOL
The professional politicians and power brokers hate this kind of common sense appeal. Reagan, Swartzenegger, and Ventura have proven it can be done though.
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