Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

TECH Help ????


Nov 17, 2010
Vicksburg, Michigan
This probably isn't the best place to ask, but I am sure that there are a fair amount of Business owner on here.
I have a very nice Website for by Business, but I don't feel that it get hosted across all the different search engines real well.
And I am NOT a tech guy.

I am looking for a website that can optimize my listings for me.
I have found a few, Yext, orange soda, whitespark, brightlocal & syrup, with mixed reviews on all of them.
Yext seems to be the best of what I have found, but what I don't like is automatic yearly renews, and if you don't renew, they change everything back to how it was when you started with them.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I own & operate a Pest Control Company if that makes a difference ?.

Just to be clear are you looking for a new host, or just a company to modify your current website to improve it's Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Depending on your level of competency, and given you have a web hosting service that makes it easy for you to personally adjust your website, SEO companies can be kind of a ripoff.

There are a few things you can do to your website that will improve its results.
- post videos; search engines love videos
- link to your social media platforms (if you have them for your business, if you don't you should consider it)
- Ensure all of your pages have the keyword search boxes populated. With all of the possible keywords people in your area might search for to find you (IE: exterminator, <cities you operate in>, termites, etc)
- Make sure your Google and Bing business listings are as complete as possible and link to your webpage. One thing to note is that your business address and phone numbers need to be in identical formats (same abreviations, same phone number format, etc) if any of these are different the search engines get confused, and miscalculate your businesses relevance to a users search.
- Get some people to do online reviews of your business. Google reviews help a lot specifically with your Google SEO.

If you google "search engine optimization" you will find a bunch of articles and tips. One other thing you might look at is your contract with your current host/designer. Sometimes they include SEO as a service included in your contract, but it is often overlooked. You might be able to get them to do some improvements as well.

If it is beyond what you have the time or ability to do, I would look locally for a company that would do it, you will probably get much better service, they know your area, and you will likely get better contract terms. That "if you don't renew, we are going set your website back" is straight BS IMO. I wouldn't do business with them.
Just to be clear are you looking for a new host, or just a company to modify your current website to improve it's Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Depending on your level of competency, and given you have a web hosting service that makes it easy for you to personally adjust your website, SEO companies can be kind of a ripoff.

There are a few things you can do to your website that will improve its results.
- post videos; search engines love videos
- link to your social media platforms (if you have them for your business, if you don't you should consider it)
- Ensure all of your pages have the keyword search boxes populated. With all of the possible keywords people in your area might search for to find you (IE: exterminator, <cities you operate in>, termites, etc)
- Make sure your Google and Bing business listings are as complete as possible and link to your webpage. One thing to note is that your business address and phone numbers need to be in identical formats (same abreviations, same phone number format, etc) if any of these are different the search engines get confused, and miscalculate your businesses relevance to a users search.
- Get some people to do online reviews of your business. Google reviews help a lot specifically with your Google SEO.

If you google "search engine optimization" you will find a bunch of articles and tips. One other thing you might look at is your contract with your current host/designer. Sometimes they include SEO as a service included in your contract, but it is often overlooked. You might be able to get them to do some improvements as well.

If it is beyond what you have the time or ability to do, I would look locally for a company that would do it, you will probably get much better service, they know your area, and you will likely get better contract terms. That "if you don't renew, we are going set your website back" is straight BS IMO. I wouldn't do business with them.

The company that built my website need a very nice job, IMHO. optimizing it is supposed to be part of the package, but I don't feel like that part is being done very well.
and is definitely above my skill level
I would see what your hosting company has to offer, and then look locally for someone to improve your SEO.

Are you active on social media? This is basically free marketing and more and more people go to it for information. I would at least be on Facebook.
I would see what your hosting company has to offer, and then look locally for someone to improve your SEO.

Are you active on social media? This is basically free marketing and more and more people go to it for information. I would at least be on Facebook.

Yes, I have a facebook page for my Business, and try to write something at least once a month, and that seems to help, being in Michigan and having a pest control company it does tend to be a little seasonal, I run my butt off April - November, and a slower pace during the winter months.
Even I have a website and it is also having same issue. I would like to hire a professional service to fix that but at the same time I have been having a thought on using the instagram and facebook ads management Los Angeles services. It is so difficult for me to decide on any service. I wonder if you could help me regarding it.
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