Caribou Gear Tarp

Target choices


Active member
Nov 17, 2017
Two questions for everyone with a backyard range..........

What type of target are you shooting?

Do you shoot broadheads at it as well?

I have an open-layer-foam "The Block" target which readily takes field points. I've also shot it with broadheads, but very sparingly...probably less than 100 broadhead arrows total over the years. I find the broadheads really tear it up and make it less able to stop field points. I am now shooting completely through the center of the target when shot at 40 yards. I feel like if I'd never shot it with broadheads it would still be stopping field points.

I guess a follow-on question would be....... How long do you expect your target to last before you replace it?

Anxious to hear about others experiences with targets. Thanks in advance!!
If you’re going to shoot broadheads exclusively I would shoot an original block target, the open layers stand up better than the foam face on the newer block targets, like the vault, when removing the broadheads. When using broadheads I usually have to plug the holes with the spray foam cans about twice a year
Two questions for everyone with a backyard range..........

What type of target are you shooting?

Do you shoot broadheads at it as well?

I have an open-layer-foam "The Block" target which readily takes field points. I've also shot it with broadheads, but very sparingly...probably less than 100 broadhead arrows total over the years. I find the broadheads really tear it up and make it less able to stop field points. I am now shooting completely through the center of the target when shot at 40 yards. I feel like if I'd never shot it with broadheads it would still be stopping field points.

I guess a follow-on question would be....... How long do you expect your target to last before you replace it?

Anxious to hear about others experiences with targets. Thanks in advance!!
Same set up and practice. Wished I had not shot any broadheads at it, as now the center is wearing out. Field points do not seem to wear it out very fast. Have shot maybe 70-80 broadheads at it, and maybe 2000 field points. Currently building my own 4' x 4' target.
I have the same issue with my "block". That thing doesn't stop a thing anymore. I bought a rinehart target last year and that's held up well with just field points. Although I'm starting to push arrows all the way through from my compound. I guess it depends on how much you shoot. FWIW, I like the rineharts and will definitely buy another one when my current gets too beat up.
I shoot bag targets for any field point. Once shot out I just buy new bags and it's good to go again. I have a Rinehart 18-1 target for broadheads. With any target though it is super important to not shoot the same spot over and over. That's a sure fire way to ruin Any target long before you need to.
Just saw someone posting something similar on Rokslide yesterday. A lot of people suggested Matrix Targets they said they are worth the expensive cost up front
For broadheads I'm shooting at a Delta Chunk and a couple of Shooter Buck's that I replace the cores on. For field points I'm shooting at a Delta Wedgie Bag and Delta Hoosier Daddy 3D target. I also have a Solo Mule Deer that I shoot at with a Block behind it. If one watches rebates available plus sales prices you can get some of these targets at 50% of regular price.
I, too, shoot bags with field points. I use a Rhinehart target for broadheads. Matrix targets look nice and I like the idea of being able to change out a section but at $50 a section, I could buy a new target for every couple I replace. Anyone used one personally?
I, too, shoot bags with field points. I use a Rhinehart target for broadheads. Matrix targets look nice and I like the idea of being able to change out a section but at $50 a section, I could buy a new target for every couple I replace. Anyone used one personally?
No but I'm going to buy one soon. They look amazing and I love the fact you can just replace one section. I'll let you know how it works
Thanks guys, for all of your replies and ideas. I'll be doing some shopping here soon and will let you know what I've settled on. Sounds like the way to go is have one for broadheads and one for field points.
I, too, shoot bags with field points. I use a Rhinehart target for broadheads. Matrix targets look nice and I like the idea of being able to change out a section but at $50 a section, I could buy a new target for every couple I replace. Anyone used one personally?
You don’t have to replace the module, just move it to a different location. Mines on its way.
Right now I shoot a 2x2 spiderweb target for field points and a “blob” target for broadheads. I have been impressed with both targets but if I had to start over with a new target, I’d probably just bite the bullet and get a matrix.
I looked at that Matrix target. That's a pretty cool design....wish I had thought of it. But dang, $345!!!! Do they just sell from their website or do they have a dealer network? Are the hex targets available for a lower cost anywhere else? I guess the fair thing to do would be to divide that $345 by 7 (the number of hex mods per target)..........that's about $50 per which beats buying 7 Block targets (of similar size) at $100 a pop. Hmmmm guess I better get my checkbook out.
Like many have mentioned, I try to limit my broadhead shooting to a 'dedicated target... Years ago I bought a "broadhead only" target at Sportsmans Warehouse - which I still have... BH's have still ripped it up pretty good over the years but it's been nice to limit that extreme damage to the one target...

Even when shooting fielpoints I like to take bright dot stickets or pieces of colored tape and put them in various areas of the target to spread out the damage...
I just bit the bullet and ordered one of these Matrix targets. I emailed them with some questions and the owner emailed me back in a few hours (despite it being in the middle of the night!). I'll let you know my experiences with delivery and use. Having my Block target become a "short-range corners-only" target here within the past week, and doing the math on comparative pricing, pushed me over the edge.
I do most of my shooting on a 4'x4' homemade (imagine that) target. I have an old rhinehart that I use for broadheads. Ive got maybe $40 into my big target.
My block is pretty shot up. But I turned it sideways to stop the pass throughs. You just got to make sure not to blow up the straps and your good for another 10k shots. I also put a shot up bag target behind the shot up block.