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New member
Apr 23, 2013
I asked my congressman to keep our public land for the public. He advised me I was thinking the first voter who had mentioned this issue to him.i am in Iowa and not in the mountain west but if you are in Iowa third district he could listen to your opinion could a lot of other members of Congress back east. I advised him I hunt out west on public land and so do my boys and that land is important to us.c Congress is on recess now so let them know how you feel😠😂
Thanks for your advocacy. Many are like you mentioned; this is not on their constituent radar screens, so if the topic does come up, they will rely on the advice of party loyalists and lobbyists. If they hear from home folks, such as you did, it gives them reason to think about it more when the topic comes up.
Good Job. Have you tried our Senators? I have got nothing but run off the mill, "I'll keep your thoughts in mind but...", answers.
Thank you! People in the Midwest do not realize how much the transfer or selling of federal lands will affect them. In Iowa we have large tracts (in comparison to other public land in Iowa) USFWS refuges and large tracts of ground open to the public owned by the Army Corps of Engineers. The transfer will also cause a trickle down with many of our local politicians thinking that if the feds are selling their public land, they can too. In many Iowa counties the only public land is owned by the County Conservation Board who are in a constant fight with County Supervisors for funding and if given the chance some supervisors would sell the Conservation Boards land in a heartbeat.