Taking of property without just compensation?


Maybe that is what I was thinking. The DOL gets a black eye every year for the great Bison Fiasco down in Yellowstone. Anyway I 143 was a good thing and the people griping about it should blame themselves.

With most sincere respect,

Nemont, How can Paws think you're a butt hole???

With most sincere respect,


Respect is running rampant around here.

With even more sincere respect,

Tom, You just can't compare Texas and Montana. They're totally different, with the biggest difference being Texas has virtually no public land, while Montana must be at least 50% public.
I'm thinking of the public land as a big neighbor, I think. Big neighbors can get the little guys down here to. I don't think you can dismiss Texas experiences, because of the private/public differences, either though. Elk are big to, that's a big difference. We just have a few elk down here in a high fence place that I have seen, and they just kind of stand around like a buffalo a lot. I'm all for a guy shooting one, if he wants too.
Well sure, there are no wild elk there, so Texas has nothing to lose by having canned elk hunts. If you lived in any of the western states that have large populations of wild elk, I am sure you would feel differently.
I don't know for sure but I think Paws called me a butt hole because I asked him too many questions. Perhaps in was my TONE in the questions he objected to. I really don't know, most people who know me don't think I am a butt hole.
I can be a tad irritating when I am consuming large quantities of bud light. I can be verbose when bragging about my offspring. When I am on the golf course I often lack the proper etiquette when it comes to burping and farting at the wrong time, I usually wait for my partner to be in his back swing.

However, I can't remember the last time some one called me a butt hole. Maybe second or third grade.

Submitted with my sincerest and deepest respect,


[ 06-07-2004, 16:28: Message edited by: Nemont ]
"called me a butt hole" --Nemont Said

"(Which by the way is why I will not answer him; well that and because he just wants to play butt hole!)" --What Paws really said

Now Nemont; what did I tell you about meticulous???
"called me a butt hole" --Nemont Said

"(Which by the way is why I will not answer him; well that and because he just wants to play butt hole!)"
What is the difference?


Just how dense are you??? :D :D

First Paws called me a Liar, and then when I apologised, he corrected himself and said I was not a Liar , but more correctly, I told Lies ... :confused:

So obviously, you and I together aren't nearly as bright as Paws. Which is kind of funny, as I would guess we both have IQs in the high 70's, so those, taken together, add up to more than Paw's. :rolleyes:
I wish I could take credit for a high 70's IQ but I think that is being generous. It may be on my side of the ledger where our combined IQ fall short. :D

Respectfully yours,

"First Paws called me a Liar, and then when I apologised, he corrected himself and said I was not a Liar , but more correctly, I told Lies"
What ElkGunner Said

"Well ElkGunner, all you have to do is say right here in front of God and everybody: " Gee Phil, I'm sorry I called you a liar. I know deep down in my heart that you didn't lie to me and I was totally out of line by insinuating that you did!" That's all ElkGunner; oh..., plus quit being an asshole!" What Paws Really Said

OK Nemont, your turn! :rolleyes:
Okay Paws I'll play along.

"called me a butt hole" --Nemont Said

"(Which by the way is why I will not answer him; well that and because he just wants to play butt hole!)"

What is the difference?

Again, explain this non engineer, non genius simpleton what is the difference between the two.

Moosie said: Nemont, I pulled the Quote out of his Post directly, It wasn't from a Miss quote. That being said, I'm sure since he requested Gunner to say Sorry... He will inreturn, do the same to you .... ?
Paws ever been able to say the following words: I guess I was WRONG.

I know for sure I am not a butt hole.
I can be a dick head and at times I am a real dipshit but not a butt hole.

And I think you should show respect for Moosie's post by complying with it.


[ 06-07-2004, 20:32: Message edited by: Nemont ]
Now you two got me confused....

Which one of you is the buXXhole and which one of you is the a$$hole? Or is one of you a dipsh!t, resulting in the other being one of the Anus brothers???

You gotta help us out on this, as we are all getting confused here....
Caribou Gear

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