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Taking Big Fin's advice, calling your congressman

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Deleted member 28227

I was disappointed to hear that Congressman Zinke of Montana voted for Labrador Bill HR 2316, although I was proud that he went against his party on Young Bill HR 3650. I have never really taken an active role in politics other than voting and today, for the first time, I got off my butt and wrote a personal letter to Zinke and called his Washington office (202) 225-3211. (Call him today!)

Would like to be able to do more on these issues in the future, first step felt good and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on where to proceed from here? I'm already a BHA member, but I feel like just paying yearly dues isn't enough?? I know that a bunch of you work hard to protect our public lands and I was hoping you could give some advice to the new guy.
It is helpful to make some connections. If you don't know, BHA is having a meeting tonight in Bozeman at 6pm at 7 Sushi (near Oak/Rouse). Come meet some of the guys.
That first step is very helpful. Staying engaged with him and others who he looks to for input is of great help. Often, state legislators or county commissioners have a direct line to a Congressman or Senator and if they get an earful on a topic, you can bet the Congressional delegate with get an earful from that local politician, when the topic comes up.

Thanks for doing it.
I just googled Zinke and got it from his page, but there is a sticky with the info under sportsman's issues.
Thank You so much wllm1313,

Somewhere I think Big Fin wrote a post on tips about contacting representatives etc. RMEF also has a good one on their web pages. If I had my 2 cents to add it would be, be polite, the staffer who answers the phone gets lots of hostile calls, keep it simple, if you really want to be effective write a letter too. Look to get one other person involved. If you can get one person to also call and write you've doubled your influence. I keep my senators and congressman's DC phone numbers on my cell.

Thanks again, your effort has outsized effects.
I fired off a bunch of emails the other day after hearing about these latest antics. Seeing as I just moved to CO but still have SD drivers license, I had the pleasure of contacting Sens and Reps from both states. I plan on changing my recidency just havent gotten around to it yet. I even got a nice long responce email from Sen. Gardner of CO within 1 business day.
I've found over the course of time that if you want to get your point across it is much more effective to take the extra time to write a personalized message instead of a cookie cutter generic one.
I only get aides,who blow you off..ala "Yeah you bet"

No return calls except once from Martin Heinrich D-NM .
He now e-mails me and lets me know whats up. Or his staff does, with more than just "thanks for yer concern,yadda-yadda,but business knows best"...BS

I try and be
I emailed my congressman Bob Corker (R- Tennessee) about the land transfer. His answer was basically just political speak, but here is what he said:
" Dear Mr. Cody,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office to share your concerns about protecting our national land systems. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.
The preservation of wildlife and the environment is very important to me. I believe we as elected officials have the responsibility of enacting legislation that protects our abundant natural resources for future generations to enjoy. While it is necessary that we reign in spending and work to balance the budget, we must make sure that this is not done to the detriment of our natural resources. As we go through the appropriations process, I will certainly take into consideration your concerns about our national land systems and programs like the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me.
Bob Corker
United States Senator"
I guess they all send the same basic form letter. LOL
That one just lacks the debt load talk where they talk of balance and it leaves an opening for sidestepping it.
I got 3 of those letters back yesterday. 2 e-mails.
Just change the name of sender and there you go.
I guess you have to have way more pull than I do now, to actually get a phone call returned from a Congressman or Senator.
At least Ol' Bill Thomas, R-Bakersfield , would call and chat as busy as he was when in office. He was head of Ways & Means for many years.
We loved to agree to disagree if nothing
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BuffaloRCody, Corker is my Senator also, and earlier in the week I got the same reply. So I promptly replied again telling him I networked/associated with 25-30 of his constituents that regularly hunted in western states on public land. I also stated I would be closely watching how he, his buddy (Lamar), and my local congressman voted when dealing with these issues and would be regularly relaying that info to all my western hunting friends and their familys. Also that just because this didn't really matter to most ppl in east/middle Tn that it in fact did to some of us, and all those that do in fact do vote.
I have yet to receive any response that specifically mentions support for hunting. Now I am in CA and that could make the difference. Has anyone received a response specifically mentioning a support for hunting or just generic responses?
I'm in California as well Tahoe and I've emailed and have only ever received a response from Costa. In total basically just a thanks for my contact and opinion on the matter. Nothing about support for hunting or 2nd amendment issues.
Congress is on recess now. Go and talk to them in person. I was the first person to talk to my congressman re this issue. This includes hunters whom don't live out west.
How much influence do county commissioner's have on state legislators, governors, and elected officials? My mother works with all of them and if it will make a difference I will write a letter and contact each one to help aid in this cause and help ensure lands are not transferred. I have never been that involved with politics and have never followed the political scene much but thanks to Randy's passion and getting the message out there, I feel obligated as a public land DIY hunter to volunteer my time.
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How much influence do county commissioner's have on state legislators, governors, and elected officials? My mother works will all of them and if it will make a difference I will write a letter and contact each one to help aid in this cause and help ensure lands are not transferred. I have never been that involved with politics and have never follow the political scene much but thanks to Randy's passion and getting the message out there, I feel obligated as a public land DIY hunter to volunteer my time.

County Commissioners in the west have a LOT of influence on State and Federal officials.
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