Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2015
I recently finished up first rifle season in Colorado and came back empty handed. The word unsuccessful keeps coming to mind but I hate to use that word and don't think it is appropriate. I had four days alone in an area I have never hunted and found plenty of elk, they just never offered a shot. I did my homework and was constantly finding elk when others (including guides) could not. It was frustrating but an awful lot of fun. I'm sure others have similar stories. I suppose I am just trying to see the positives in a hunt that many would say was unsuccessful. Anyway, happy hunting to all!
The harvest isn't everything. You found a new spot and saw elk. That is better than 50% of other hunters. If you enjoyed yourself and had fun, that is all that counts!
Even experienced elk hunters don't score every yr ! If u had fun it was a success. Sometimes we remember the unfilled tags as much(if not more) than the filled ones.
The only way to learn is through experience. If you always tag out on the first day, you'll never learn as much as guys that hunt for 10.
For me it is all about the experience & memories, and spending time with family and or friends, in Gods country. getting a Elk is just a bonus.

Mental fortitude and resilience are so important in being successful over the long haul. Your positive attitude will serve you well. Sounds like you had some successes and learned more about the area. That counts as a win. I know my unfilled tags make me appreciate the filled ones even more. Keep at it!
I've had plenty of tag soup.Alot of times if was my decision to look for a better bull.People would then always ask if I regretted my decision to pass.Answer is always NO.Sounds like you learned alot and next time you'll do much better.I have the time of my life no matter if I fill a tag or not.We all go out to fill our tags but if it wrecks your hunt when you dont,you should stick with video games imo.Better luck next year but you did have success
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