T & J

A little dated, but still fully applicable.

Where does this leave us? At best, we are now faced with a Republican Party and a leader who are fully realizing "Christian Nationalism," where Christianity is inseparable with the idea of being patriotic. Fringe Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, for one,is embracing the label. At worst, Christianity and politics aren't just closely linked and sometimes confused, but are being melded into a new quasi-religion unto itself with one man, Trump, as the new savior.

What makes America great is that it is a multi-religious society. Throughout its history, the best of religion has played a key role in advancing liberty and justice for all. And religion has always played a role in our politics, as an outside influencer. As long as there is a United States of America, that will be true. But as MAGA Republicans try to merge the two into one, we ought to remember the words of James Madison that "religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together."
Interesting documentary series on Netflix regarding the intersection of church and state. Draw your own conclusions.

Check out “The Family” on Netflix

I always wondered how Muslim extremists are so much different than the loony tunes far right Trump lovers who automatically assume you're the complete opposite of them of you disagree with them.

They are literally the same, IMO. Crazy farfetched ideas, death to those who disagree... And weirdly religion is the basis of it.
preach it. there are as many jihadists in America as anywhere else. But thankfully they're mostly of the keyboard variety.
Babylon Bee Predicted that thread:


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