PEAX Equipment

T & J

The silver lining is in 10 years or so most of those cantankerous old ****s that make up alot of 24hr will be either deceased or locked away in the ol folks home where they can't poison society anymore.
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Mike Pence is a man of the lord and the lord will work through him to influence Trump!
This is what veteran Bobby Murphy told me before giving me a copy of the constitution signed by no other than veteran Bobby Murphy himself at an abandoned warehouse in Cleveland.
I can’t find the copy of the constitution right now, but he also gave me this gem. 😂
I wonder how many of them were in Washington DC on January 6, and/or possibly face indictment?
None, they all talk tough but in reality a bunch of blowhards who probably got beat up in middle school. One of the tough talkers draws SS disability but talks like he's Billy-Bob badass. Always griping about taxes, government, and welfare...

You can't script that kind of hypocrisy...or stupid.
I’ve reread the thread twice. It’s not the original post that blows my mind. It’s the overwhelming support it gets from the others.
I always wondered how Muslim extremists are so much different than the loony tunes far right Trump lovers who automatically assume you're the complete opposite of them of you disagree with them.

They are literally the same, IMO. Crazy farfetched ideas, death to those who disagree... And weirdly religion is the basis of it.

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