Yeti GOBOX Collection

T-bonians and P-Moose Sheep Update.


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
As you walked out of the Hills by yourself for 1.5 days your mind ponders on several things. What could we have done different was the one that kept going over in my head. To answer that question, I don't think we could have. From a direct approach we did the right thing, When you spot a Ram of that size you take the 2 day stalk to get around in position to shoot it......just so happened that we didn't have "luck" on our side........

The Stories, the Jokes, the High fives, the "f' Word (Just realize that T-bone doesn't say it... but he did think it one morning he addmitted ;) ) The bobcat that stalked him !!!!! , The fox, The cliff(s) we slid down :eek: , the river Crossing, the Valley of the Blowdowns :BLEEP: , the 6 point Bulls, the Spikey, the "illusive rare never seen grouse.. "hehe" " The Ewe's and Lambs, The barely legal ram, the 800yarder, and the BOONER ram............

All that fun !!! But to walk out Alone without a Sheep and one of the toughest hunting partners a guy can have hurts. Hurts more then the Cuts I got when wearing shorts for a couple days. Hurts more then the Hikers butt I got. Hurts more then running out of water. Hurts more then the 7 different blisters I got. Hurts more then the shoulders packing in the weight. Hurts more then Sleeping on rocks on a 45^ pitch. Hurts more then Glassing for hours on Granite rocks. Hurts more then the Tired back and feet.

I'll get to Uploading pictures when I'm up and Rested. I got back yesterday after hiking almost 2 days and through the night. I'm back after 9 days of hunting 19# less.

The "FULL(er)" story later. But like Buzz would say, (And he got brought up several times *smile*, that type of hunting would "KILL" the average hunter.........
well that sucks that the tag wasn't applied, but you had fun I bet---I'm still betting on T-Bone to connect---does he still have the satellite phone to contact you???....chris
Hurts more then the Hikers butt I got

is that what "they" call it now?

sounds like some good memories made though!
rest up and post those pics and stories.
Well sounds like a hell of a hunt. Time to get stuck into the milkshakes and get back to your fighting weight again;) Sorry to here about the missed oportunity but that is hunting. Sounds like T Bone still has some time so still a chance. Hope he gets one.
After knowing what T went through the last time in his attempt at a odds are on Tyson to seal the deal this go-around!! hump

You're a good partner there Moose man....I'm sure you helped to lighten the mood and the load!
Well I hope ya heal up good, and be careful about what pictures ya post, wouldn't want to start any roumers or contravrseys.

So is T still up there ? Is he a walking bow legged ?
I guess on the good side of things everyone seems to have made it this far in good health and all. Sorry T-B didn't tag one while you were there.

Can't wait for the pics and review from this one... I must have viewed the video and pics from your ram hunt a hundred times. Awesome.

cmc said:
I guess on the good side of things everyone seems to have made it this far in good health and all. Sorry T-B didn't tag one while you were there.

Can't wait for the pics and review from this one... I must have viewed the video and pics from your ram hunt a hundred times. Awesome.


well put CMC...same here
Oscar, nice that he had a hunting partner like you out there with him. How long does he plan on staying out by himself??
When should we expect to here an update on his progress? Is he planning on calling in via sat phone to anyone?

OH... and we're waiting on baited breath for those pics Moosie...

without the right gear he's screwed.
moosie, does he have flip-flops?
Wecome back, Moosie. I wanna hear all about it when you get around to telling us about your ordeal. Yours truely is leaving in a few weeks on a 16 day solo deer hunt up in the mountains. I may need some tips from you on how to avoid going plumb loco. Humm... maybe it's too late -at least on my end. DD
TBONE came out Sicker then Chit 2 days Ago.. I didn't want to post his Status untill I got Conformation. He got Bit by a Tick (Rocky mountain Spotted Tick Fever) and had to go to the Hospital to get antibiotics. He's in Salmon heading back to South Dakota.

He will be going back out end of Sept when he recovers.

I still have pictures but haven't uploaded them yet............................
JB, The funny thing is He had Flip flops for Camp shoes.. I think I might have a Picture, I'll upload tomorrow night all the pictures and the story. Scouts honor ........

On the Good news.. He did find "BIG O" again....... "BIG O " is destined to die on this next trip !!!!!
OMG.. not good thing to happen when you're that far in. Geeezzuuss.

Hope he recovers fast and gets a chance to head back in. You going to be able to accompany him again or is he still going solo?

Damn it man....T got sick on his AK swamp donkey trip as well....hope he can pull it back together for this one :( We're rooting for ya Tyson! hump
Thanks Moose for the help.

"Big O" is the most unbelievable ram I've ever put my own eyes on. What an oinker. Full curl and carries scary mass forward all the way to the broomed ends. He pals around with 2 other full curl rams that he dwarfs. "Big O" nickname came from the first time I looked at him at about 1.5 miles. He looked like he had tires hanging on the side of his head!

Saturday evening I came down with flu-like symptoms. I waited a couple days and it only got worse. I'd never felt like that before and decided I needed medical attention.

I'm very glad I came out. I went to the health clinic in Challis and the doc knows his mountain medicine. He located a tick on my back side and predicted Rocky Mtn spotted fever. The following day the tests confirmed it. Hopefully I'll get some strength and energy back in the next couple weeks. Season closes Oct 13th, I plan on going back for 10 days. Hopefully the area won't get too much snow to move the rams out of the summer range. I'll post more later.
Sorry to hear about ya getting sick before you could close the deal on Big O.:( Hope you get better and get another shot at him before they start moving around and you have to relocate him. Hang in there get well and get after em!:D Looking forward to some pics and the story :cool:
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