NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Sunday Pic of the Day

I probably post these pictures too often, but my granddaughter just keeps winning. This time it was #1 overall at the Oregon state championship.
Here is another granddaughter. She didn't win anything but she is just so damn cute.
A snake skin I found in the cow lot. I didn't know they shed their eyeball skin!
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They shed the scale over the eyelid first. About 4-5 days before they shed the eyelids turn grey, about a day before they shed their eyes will be back to normal. Snakes can’t see and get a little more agitated during his time so you have to be very careful. I have a rattlesnake that is getting to shed, I will see if I can get a picture of it. Also, it’s hard to tell what kind of snake it is from the skin, but you can tell if it’s venomous. A non venomous snake has two rows of scales on its underside from the anal gland to the tip of its tail while a venomous snake only has 1.