Sitka Pre Season Savings

Successfully Drew Colorado Sheep Unit S32


New member
Jan 27, 2019
My Outdoorsman Brothers!

This is my first time ever posting on this forum despite being a member for some time. I am reaching out to gather information, wisdom, and advice for my first ever Big Horn Sheep Tag!

I drew a ewe tag in Unit S32 and am obviously overwhelmingly excited. If anyone has hunted this unit in the past and has wise words to share about locations, logistics, and best tactics I would love to hear it.

Season dates are Sept.12 - Oct.4. I will most likely try to hunt the 19th -26th as to hopefully be combined with an antelope hunt after the fact.

I will also most likely be doing this hunt solo because my typical hunting buddies are all planning on coming in on that 26th of September for our annual antelope camp. So any of you SOLO HUNTERS out there that have high alpine experience your wisdom would be greatly appreciated.


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This is a joke thread and just pulling our leg, right? Has to be.

Forget any thought of antelope. Frankly it sounds absurd to hear you speak of it in the same sentence as the limited days you will set aside for sheep hunting so you can cut the sheep hunt short to hunt antelope that is so easy to draw/buy you do it every year?...and more importantly since you seek suggest you are not, actually “overwhelmingly excited” as much as worried about missing the annual camping trip with your buddies to drink beer and shoot small antelope.

Dunno, but if antelope camp is an annual affair, it is by definition expendable as are buddies who think annual antelope camp trumps a sheep hunt.

Hopefully this is helpful.
Start with the Cpw website, lots of good info on there. Historical data will point you in a general direction to start. And I echo everyone else, forget the speed goat, and if your friends aren’t interested in helping you glass for sheep are they really friends?
This is a joke thread and just pulling our leg, right? Has to be.

Forget any thought of antelope. Frankly it sounds absurd to hear you speak of it in the same sentence as the limited days you will set aside for sheep hunting so you can cut the sheep hunt short to hunt antelope that is so easy to draw/buy you do it every year?...and more importantly since you seek suggest you are not, actually “overwhelmingly excited” as much as worried about missing the annual camping trip with your buddies to drink beer and shoot small antelope.

Dunno, but if antelope camp is an annual affair, it is by definition expendable as are buddies who think annual antelope camp trumps a sheep hunt.

Hopefully this is helpful.
He's right you know.jpg

I happen to have a Mt goat tag that overlaps the season dates and much of the sheep habitat in S32. I won't be able to let you know where I'm seeing sheep if you chasing speed goats in Wyoming. I've been on over a dozen sheep counts in S32 guided and helped a few hunters and killed a ewe in the unit. Ditch the Wyoming hunt and have your "friends" help you in Colorado OR find new friends. You could hire a guide for this hunt kill a sheep..... then go antelope hunting. Seriously you will not draw this tag again!

Scrap the antelope. Period.

Also, scout early and hunt the opener before some the sheep start to timber up.

I would consider a guide. You will never draw that tag again.

And to reiterate: do not put antelope in the equation. You have a month to drive a 2020 Maserati and you are worrying about making sure you get also get a chance to drive a 1983 Geo Metro for a few days of it....
@Khunter Not sure why you have to be so rude about it.. Pretty sure this supposed to be a space for encouraging eachother, learning from one another, and sharing our success’ and failures.
I am excited to have this tag and plan on allocating as much time as possible in the hunt. However, hunting for me is as much about the experience and the people I share it with.
@Khunter Not sure why you have to be so rude about it.. Pretty sure this supposed to be a space for encouraging each other, learning from one another, and sharing our success’ and failures.
I am excited to have this tag and plan on allocating as much time as possible in the hunt. However, hunting for me is as much about the experience and the people I share it with.

You drew the Ram tag correct? Not a ewe tag?

We're all just expressing that it's a once-in-a-lifetime tag and should be treated as such. A lot of that unit is straight up and down, depending on where the sheep are that can be a huge time suck as it might take a full day just to cross one part of one peak off the list, not to mention can whip you with the hiking. 2000ft in 1.5 miles should be your expectation in the west half of the unit. You can't shoot sheep off the highway, most of the bands I've seen in sept were around 12,000-13,000 ft. Be prepared for this hunt to take a lot more time than you realize.

Personally I think I could kill a decent antelope in 1-2 days no scouting, a bull 3 days of scouting + 3 days of hunting, for this hunt I would give myself 6 days of scouting and then 10 days of hunting. For scouting you can break it up into a couple of trips.

One of the more brutal nights I've had camping in terms of wind + cold was on top of Mt. Bethel in September. Expect huge temp swings.

Hard back pack hunting + huge hikes can really wear on you if you're doing it solo. It's definitely a receipt to make you quit early, having buddies really helps you stick it out until you find a ram. I would bring a light weight back packing set up and then get an AirBandB in Georgetown. Run the ridges and glass + camp up high as much as you can, also get a good spotter and try and cross off as much country as you can from the highway before you commit yourself.

If you are going solo and can't scout I agree with others definitely consider a guide. Your guide is going to scout during the summer to locate you sheep.

On bethel looking towards parnassas, Sept 24- 2016

Sept 16-2016 - Same spot

Sept 23-2017 - About 45 min after this picture we got run off the mountain by an snow/electrical storm.
Probably the closest I've been to getting struck by lightening
Top of Hagar looking back towards I-70 and Mr. Trelease, June 23, 2018

Probably better in a PM but whatever none of us will ever get to hunt that tag.
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Your tag, do what you want. I think you’re kidding yourself to think seven days does a tag like this justice. I get it if that’s all you’ve got time wise, but I personally wouldn’t cut the tag short to go antelope hunt for.
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