Yeti GOBOX Collection

Success! First Elk and a bonus Mule deer!


New member
Oct 21, 2016
Just got back from a great hunting trip in MT.
For the first couple days we elk hunted some new areas but we weren't able to locate any elk (the warm weather didn't help that at all). After not seeing anything in that new area we moved on and went to a spot that we have deer hunted in the past. Sure enough we found some deer! The bucks were rutting pretty hard and we were able to see around 8 different bucks and probably 20+ does. I spotted my buck about a 1,000 yards away and right away knew he was a shooter. So a buddy of mine, from out there, and I made about a mile stalk to get above him and his doe. After making a great stalk I was able to capitalize on a 200 yard shot.
Mule deer 1.jpg

Mule deer 2.jpg

After taking a great mule deer I didn't think the trip could get better but the very next day it did! We decided to focus back on getting an elk. So we headed up to a different spot we've hunted in the past. After making the long trek to get to the top, we started back down. I was making my way through the timber when I spotted an small meadow in front of me about 150 yards. I cautiously walked towards the opening and then spotted what I was looking for, Elk! Ten cows/calves were spread out in the meadow. Some feeding but most bedded. They had no idea I was there so I eased up to a group of three trees. After picking out the biggest cow I got ready to make the shot. Just then, the elk winded another guy hunting with me and they all stood up. I knew this was my chance. I slid raised my gun and squeezed off a shot. To my surprise she didn't drop. So, I chambered another round and took aim again. This time she was starting to run so I fired again and she was gone. That's when I looked over and realized I had only saw a small portion of the herd. About 40 other elk were running down the mountain! I walked to were she was standing at the shot and didn't find anything but after a few more yards I spotted her piled up not 50 yards form the shot! What a hunt and what a great trip! My first elk!

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Elk 2.jpg

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