Caribou Gear

stupidity will get you killed

Tradegy, but looks like the gene pool got some chlorine.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Despite that, Treadwell refused to carry firearms or ring his campsites with an electric fence as do bear researchers in the area. And he stopped carrying bear spray for self-protection in recent years. Friends said he thought he knew the bears so well he didn't need it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
the real shame is the bears had to be killed because this ignorate self-serving "expert" got himself eaten. I could really care less about the person or persons in this particular incident - they asked for what they got - the bear is the victim - not the humans.
I've seen his show on the Discovery channel a couple times, it was good show but he was walking the line at that time I thought. Too bad he had to go too far and have this happen. Bears are WILD animals up there you know?!
They had a big story about him on National news last nite.. He said "i would never harm a bear to save my own life" and "bears are just misunderstood" i guess the jackass found out they werent so "misunderstood" after all!!!!!!!!! ha,ha,ha
it was a shame they had to kill the Bears and his girlfriend probably didnt have a clue as to what could happen....... 7.21
That dude was just an accident fixin to happen. I'd prefer to be as far away from one of those big dudes as possible. Seeing him on TV he either had balls he needed to carry around in a wheel barrow or was a complete idiot. Either way, it doesn't matter any longer.