Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

stories to share anyone?


New member
Jan 21, 2003
My last weekend for bird and I can't chase the dog around. Not the best of season for me but a blast none the less. Just thought I'd see how the bird chase was in other parts of the country? I've got a couple of pups comin soon hopefully I'll have em ready by next season to increase my odds a bit. Anyway chime in I'm interested bout the good hunts birds or not.
This board usually has an ongoing supply of good little hunts..Glad your aboard and putting into the mix..I don't personally do much hunting of rodents or what not. But like the stories and pics that come on here all the time..
Not the greatest story or the most amazing hunt, but the best I can do right now.

I was driving to a spot along the Milk River here in Montana and saw three sharpies flush and land about 100 yards off the road. I got out, loaded the gun, and let the dog out. I walked to where the birds landed and they flushed within 1/2 a second of each one. It made for an easy shoot and with three shots there were three dead birds. The dog did well and retrieved all three.

I then resumed my trip to chase ringnecks, but was shut out. On the way home, one flew across the road and landed in a thicket. Once again, loaded the gun, walked out and shot the bird. Guess it was a road hunting day.

It's all about being in the right place at the right time. Good pic looks like you and your dog hadd a great time.