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Stolen equipment ...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So...... I've always thought, Ahhh no one will mess with my Chit. But that night that I went up and Shot my bear I found that not to be true. I set my treestand up next to a log jsut away from the bait site. I was going to set it up later but never got to it. But when I went up there it was Gone. Yet, Someone walked away with my tree stand :(

Now, On their behalf maybe they didn't se my bait site and thought, WOW, someone left a Treestand here on this mountainside and I should take it becasue they probably aren't coming back... Or something liek that. But, On the other hand, People should leave other peoples Chit alone. (Period).

It was eaten 1/2 way up by bears anyways I guess so I needed a new one ........ But still...:BLEEP: @-holes
Hunters putting stands or feeders on fencelines are a major cause of friction in these parts. Even though it's a felony to cross property boundaries in pursuit of game, a bullethole thru a feeder or elevated blind too close to a fence is not uncommon.

...of course in your case one of those damned 'brown illigals' most likely took it.
Private land ? Fences.... Feeders ?!?!? OHH thats right, you're in Texas :D :D

No, This was on public land, back in the hills, down a dirt road, accross a river and on the backside of a ridge. If anything it was a Wandering Redneck. I always think if someone takes something they probably need it more then me, And I wanted a Nicer stand anyways... that being said it's stil la bummer someone would steal a Tree stand :(
You know I've set Tree stands up and 3 different year I can Remember coming back and having my Tree stand Shred from bears. One year I could even see the claw marks gonig up the tree. This time I don't think that happened. I will go down the Hill and look the area over more but iin years past it was From setting bait out, Pouring greese then doing a Honey burn. Something about getting some on my "PAWS" and then setting up the stand.

NoHarleyyet, I'm looking for my Flip off Icon for you ... .. ;)
They didn't want you killing those cute little cubs. Doing the bear families a favor. :D
Somebody had been reading hunttalk and figured they would put it on Ebay, hell you can sell anything on ebay lol
Stealing hunting equipment is only second to stealing cattle around these parts. Defiantly a hanging offence.:mad:
all ya had to do was pack it out when you left ya lazy bumm :eek: hump :D

I hope ya run across some asswipe sitting in it.

Ive been tempted to leave my blind and deeks at the place where we hunt geese,
I guess this is a good lesson.

(Deeks would be in the bags not left out)
For the morality police.
Looks to me like you don't need the stand anymore anyways. :D


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admit it moosie your just upset because they took your portable dvd player and your copy of brokeback mountain lol
When I lived in eastern mt, I had some moron cut the padlock on the chain that was holding my treestand to the tree. I figured if he had the ambition to climb a tree 22 feet with a pair of bolt cutters and steal my treestand he MUST need it more than I did.

PISSED me off royally though!!!!
Moosie - why are the bears shredding your stand? Is it from all the Krispy Kremes you are eating?

Maybe you have discovered a new bear scent - Eau de Moosie
Thats why I dont use trail cams anymore. After loosing 3 it gets a little old. People are dicks. Had someone cut a tree down to get my last one!
moosie maybe the bears finally got hungry and finished off the stand they needed the iron in there blood....its a shame that you cant leave anything out without someone "needing" it more then you do...