Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

State ranks.


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
10 states supported Bush with a greater percentage of the votes than Texas. Amazing, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Dakota, Alaska, and Kansas.

Here are all of them, sorted by the percentage for Bush.

state percent count
Utah 71 600564
Wyoming 69 167130
Idaho 68 408227
Nebraska 67 445304
Oklahoma 66 959670
Alabama 63 1171067
North Dakota 63
Alaska 62 151498
Kansas 62 711083
Texas 61 4464398
Indiana 60 1470396
Kentucky 60 1061608
South Dakota 60 232545
Georgia 59 1786278
Mississippi 59 649859
Montana 59 229368
South Carolina 58 916434
Louisiana 57 1101710
Tennessee 57 1376392
North Carolina 56 1896011
West Virginia 56 418151
Arizona 55 879202
Arkansas 54 543962
Virginia 54 1659263
Colorado 53 998519
Missouri 53 1452715
Florida 52 3836216
Nevada 51 388963
Ohio 51 2794346
Iowa 50 741325
New Mexico 50 335311
New Hampshire 49 328431
Pennsylvania 49 2746856
Wisconsin 49 1466963
Michigan 48 2237416
Minnesota 48 1312724
Oregon 47 736660
Delaware 46 164807
New Jersey 46 1587494
Washington 46 877796
Hawaii 45 191576
Maine 45 248409
California 44 4400339
Connecticut 44 670289
Illinois 44 2225320
Maryland 43 936505
New York 40 2763506
Rhode Island 39 161345
Vermont 39 117617
Massechusetts 37 1063518
District of Columbia 9 19007
Originally posted by Tom:
10 states supported Bush with a greater percentage of the votes than Texas. Amazing, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Dakota, Alaska, and Kansas.
States not known for their educational systems.... Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Dakota, Alaska, Kansas, and Texas :rolleyes:
I don't know about Idaho, Gunner, but we have one of the finest public educational systems here in North Dakota. We have the highest graduation rate of any state (88%), and some of the highest composite ACT and SAT scores in the nation.

(Ok, I looked at Idaho too, they graduate 78% of their high school students, which is higher than DC's 59%, New Yorks 70% and Massachusetts 75%.)

I am not going to argue that educational background has nothing to do with how one votes, but it is opposite of what you are trying to insinuate.

So gunner, did you graduate from high school?

Yeah, but you forgot to mention that the average ND student graduates high school at age 35... ;)
I think AK shows the lowest scores ranked at 29th, with ID @ 22nd. Allbeit TX ranks high @45th, we are looking at states that W carried with morepolitical "capitol" then TX. And looks like you overeducated
need to do more research before you open your traps. I do see that Kerry did carry many of the states that ranked highest.
I guess my overeducated
isn't following TB? Kerry carried many of the states that ranked highest in what? IQ, SAT scores, high school graduation rates, college graduation rates?

Of the 10 states Kerry carried the largest percentage of the vote, only 2 (Connecticut and Illinois) scores above the national average SAT. And Connecticut isn't even beyond the error of margin over the national average.

Kerry lost, for most people, their votes went for the lesser of two evils. I, for one, was not excited about either of them being our president. But do I think the sky is going to fall...no.
Sorry SMALLS, I should have typed slower. Those states ranked highest (numerically) where a low score is best. In other words score 50th would be bad and 1st would be good. I agree with SMALLS that the choice wasn't for the "best man for the job", but rather the "lesser of two evils".
Hey, I put the percent for Bush into a file with Bluehair's SAT data.

Bush percent is correlated with the SAT data in a positive way.

Composite mean, r=0.44447, p=0.0011
Math in 98, r=0.40384, p=0.0033
Verbal in 98, r=0.43436, p=0.0014

There is a very significant correlation of the composite average over all years the latest math and the latest verbal averages, state by state, with the percentage in the state that voted for Bush.

Those states that did well on the SAT scores tended to have a higher percentage for Bush in '04.

Got any more data like that?

W04 all accross America, especially the high scorers on SAT tests.

District of Columbia was amoungst the lowest on the SAT and was the lowest in support of Bush, they really stick out.

Removeing the large influence of DC by doing a Spearman rank order correlation still give highly significant correlations!
I'd say that r-values in the .40-.44 range aren't that significant. And remember, correlation isn't the same as causation! ;)

Its not negative as some want to think. Its significantly positive way beyond what could be expected by chance occurence, that's what I meant by significant.

SAT means can explain 16% of the state to state variability in the % for Bush, that's a measure of practical significance. You have anything more significant than that?