Start of our Kansas hunt


New member
Aug 28, 2016
Got into camp tonight in north central Kansas. Saw both whitetail and mulys on way in. Morning is gonna be interested. 9.00 tonight temps are still in low sixties and is windy. Looks to be unseasonably warm again tomarrow. We will just have to see what happens. Can't believe end of October and running around camp in shorts.
Here's hoping your time in Kansas feeds your soul and you have wonderful nature encounters.
Here we are. Beautiful calm 54 degrees. Not ideal but nice winds have let up. And the turkeys are talking Hope the day stays like this
Predicting a new all time high temperature record for south central Kansas.

Fall turkey season is open, hope you have your tag(s). Depending on where you are either one permit, or one permit and three additional tags.
1st day of hunt

Here we are. Beautiful calm 54 degrees. Not ideal but nice winds have let up. And the turkeys are talking Hope the day stays like this

1st day got into the80,s saw lots of good sign but only spotted 2 does half mile away. Hoping tomarrow is better. Good steak in camp tonight and back at it early in the morning