Spring Bear Down


Active member
Jan 3, 2006
Sorry guys I haven't been very good about posting on here this spring. But I have an excuse, I have been hitting the hills pretty regularly looking for a good bear to shoot! I hunted pretty hard and saw close to 20 bears over the 4 trips I made up there. I just couldn't find one that was big enough or that was in a good spot for a stalk. Finally this last weekend I found one that fit both bills! I spotted him from probably a mile or more away and headed his direction. When I got to around 500 yards or so I found him again and attempted to make a plan for the final assault. I had a real hard time getting the wind right as it was swirling pretty bad and I hiked almost a complete circle around him trying to get it figured out. I finally got somewhat of a crosswind and headed in! I closed the distance to around 80 yards or so and set up on him for a closer look. I looked at him for a couple minutes and decided he was the one. Once I decided to shoot he kind of went into the brush and I thought I might be screwed, but a couple more minutes and he fed his way back towards me and into the open. He was looking down towards me and kind of sniffing the air with his head up. (I don't know if he really smelled me or not but at that point it really didn't matter, It was to late for him!) Laying prone I settled into my rifle, resting across my pack and put the cross hairs right under his chin and squeezed it off. At the shot he spun right and dropped basically where he stood. Sometimes those bears have a tendancy to deflate when I walk up to them. I was pleased that this one didn't! A good hunt with great friends and I wouldn't change one thing. Good luck with this seasons hunts fellas!!!!!


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